Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: 32. Silver Ring

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"Mmmmn," Cui Xi hummed to herself with a brush tucked behind her ear and the tip of her tongue caught between her teeth as she stared down at the paper.

Someone sighed from behind her and took the brush. Cold fingers gently brushed her ear.

Master's hands are always so cold...I wonder if he is sick again?

"You're going to get ink on your face," her Master said, affectionately smacking the top of her head.

"Master!" she said scrambling up, grinning. She unabashedly cuddled into his arms.

"Eh?" he queried, putting his chin down on the top of her head and slid his arms around her waist.

Shameless! Xiao Hei thought to himself with a frown.

"What do you think?" she asked, pointing down at the picture, and ignoring the look Xiao Hei gave her Master as he moved elsewhere.

The man in question put his chin down onto her shoulder, his cheek next to her cheek. He frowned down at the paper and then his face cleared.

"Mmmmn, like this..." he said, taking a fresh sheet and swiping the brush back and forth over the page with quick efficient strokes.

"Oh, yes...that's better. Master's the best!" she giggled in delight. Taking the sheet, she made sure the ink was dry and then neatly folded the sheet into quarters.

"I'll have to teach you some moves. Would you like that?" he asked.

She nodded, big eyes sparkling.

"Alright then, go have it made. I will pay for it," he said indulgently.

"Master! You pay for everything. Tu'er can pay..." she pouted.

"Be obedient and don't take it to just any smith...go to..." he started, but she interrupted him.

"Imperial armourer Cang Ru Shan takes all my requests: I know what to do. Tu'er will have it done now."

Her Master gave her a sideways glance, elegantly holding his sleeve and taking up a teacup.

"Cang Ru Shan may not be the best for this's a very delicate ring..."

"Hah! You're wrong! Cang Ru Shan makes jewellery for his new wife in his spare time! Hahaha!" she giggled, her eyes turning into crescents as she laughed.

Her Master was taken aback for a moment, but then he broke into a smile.

"Whatever you wish," he shrugged good-naturedly. If Cang Ru Shan could complete this task, then this was truly nothing. He would spoil her as much as he could.

"Now...are you going to tell me how you managed to meet Cang Ru Shan? He won't take just any person's request."

"Yes, but don't be hasty Master... Xiao Hei!" she called out.

He appeared almost instantly in front of her and bowed.

She handed the drawing to him along with a small heavy bag that her Master had withdrawn from a sleeve and pressed into her hand. The bag clinked as Xiao Hei took it.

Curious, he shook out the sheet of paper and looked at the drawing and its notes with intense interest. Cui Xi watched him with a snort, but she said nothing. What a bad servant to be peaking at his Mistress's things! He listened to her less than ever, but because she knew he was interested in all things related to weapons and martial arts, she did not scold him. She saw that her Master looked annoyed, but she squeezed his hand to distract him and then she shoved a cake into his mouth. Her Master chewed obediently, but his eyes promised punishment later.

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