Chapter 25: Life Goes On.

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(my "writing style" changed a bit after these past few months i haven't published so this last chapter might be a little different? also this'll be very short)

It was normal as always. Normal was good, right? It's been years. 

Years when y/n and Levi started to get more into their relationship, even though they didn't exactly use "labels". Them adopting Eren, Mikasa, and Armin didn't actually happen. They already acted like one big family. 

A simple breeze flowed by y/n, arms tightening around her new husband's torso. They'd been married for about 2 years now, a few months after Erwin had sadly passed away. Levi was just lucky y/n hadn't been severely injured, otherwise he would lose it. 

He took care of y/n every single day, helping her recover slowly. It was all thanks to Hanji who treated her wounds from the start, then passed down simple directions for Levi to follow. Eren didn't show much emotion when y/n was still recovering, but he did make the effort to go to her room and ask if she needed anything. One of his favorite sentences he'd like to here from her was, "Just you worrying about me is just fine." 

A small smile would creep onto his lips. His hair started getting longer, so y/n would style it for him as Levi would style hers. A simple "father, mother, son bonding" type of thing. It didn't matter if they weren't blood related, it's the thought that matters. A small loose braid on your hair, from Levi of course. Eren and your husband loves when your hands roam in their hair, just caressing it. 

Y/n gave Eren a half bun-half down look. He would always pull out strands of his hair to give him a more messy look, which you didn't mind. 

When Mikasa saw y/n resting in bed, she'd quietly hold your hands in hers. Her glare from before changed into a soft look that Levi always gave you. When speaking to you, she'd talk soft so you'd understand and won't think that she disliked you. 

Levi brings in tea for you, Armin gives a new book at hand every time you finished reading a book he brings. He asked you to cut his hair into something you would like because his hair has been getting longer like Eren's. He would always bow in respect when he comes inside your room or exits. 

All of the great changes that has happened in your life, felt surreal. Levi was your loving husband and you felt as if you two had three great children. But now, Eren was in Marley, Armin and Mikasa were preparing for battle. 

You didn't mind, not at all. You knew that all of you were in the Survey Corps, this was what you had to deal with. 

"Hey, Levi? You think Eren's going to be okay in Marley? They haven't figured him out, right?" Levi exhaled through his nose and rolled over in bed to face you. "Well, considering he went over there on his own.. he'll be fine." 

It was 1 am, (like how it is rn for me) and so many thoughts were jumbled all together. Levi knew this, rubbing his hand on your back to calm you down. It was a comforting thing, just being in bed with Levi. The starry night was a sight to see, one you two hadn't seen in ages. 

"You're right. No matter what happens, life goes on right? We'll be together, Eren and the others will be.. just fine. I love you, Levi. Thank you. I'll say this everyday from now on." His face turned red from embarrassment, hiding his red face in your chest. You laughed a bit, caressing his hair with your hand. 

"..Love you too." 

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