Chapter 3: Friends?

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Y/n's pov

"The name's Levi."

Levi... I looked at him waiting for him to say his last name. "Just Levi. No last name." He said, walking towards me and stopping in front of me. His right hand popped in front of me, waiting for something. "What, is he expecting me to shake his hand or some shit?" I thought to myself, staring at him and narrowing my eyes. I kept my arms crossed as I scoffed, closing my eyes and letting my tongue poke the side of my cheek.

"I don't shake hands... So get your dirty hand away from me." I said, glancing at his hand still in front of me.

He retracted his hand back into his pocket and it's now just awkward silence. "What? Are you going to say anything or no? If not, then I'll be taking off." And with that, I turned around and walked out of that alley.

"Levi... eh?" I said, looking forward trying not to trip on anything. "Pretty rude leaving me there you know. That attitude of yours won't do any good." I looked over my shoulder and saw Levi besides me. "What the hell's wrong with him?!" I thought to myself. I stayed calm but on the inside I was irritated and screaming.

My foot hit my doorstep. I was back home. Fuck... fucking hell. I just led this stranger- no, I just led Levi straight to where I live! What the hell's wrong with me? Ugh... "This where you live?" He eyed my house then back to me.

"Hey. Answer me you brat."

He said, raising his voice a bit. I glared at him and scoffed. "Call me a brat again I dare you and I'll fucking cut your throat open. And yes, this is where I live." I knocked on the door hoping no one was home. I did NOT want my parents to see a guy at the door.

"Are you going to stop stalking me now and leave?" I know I sounded pretty annoyed. And not going to lie, I wanted him to get the hint that I wanted him to leave. I glared at him again. He opened his mouth to speak but at that moment, the door opened wide.

"Y/n, you're back home finally! Oh?-" I heard my father's voice being spoken once the door opened. I turned to see my father's face and he was in complete shock. "Hold on... let me call your mother. Also, nice to see you finally brought in a friend! I'm Mr. l/n. Make yourself at home." I quietly growled when my dad left to get my mom.

I walked inside the house, not even looking or saying a word to Levi. Why would I want to talk to him in the first place? He doesn't have my right to respect him so I can talk how I want to talk to him. "Honey! Y/n's home and she brought a friend!" "A friend you say?! Oh my!" My parents were talking so loud I swear... now they're just embarrassing me.

"Hi y/n, welcome home! Oh! And I see you brought a FRIEND with you?" My mom said, smirking. "I told you y/n! You would make a friend someday." My dad was smiling at me then at Levi. He never showed any emotion to my parents at all. How rude can he be?

"Thank you for accepting me into your household Mr. and Mrs. l/n. It's an honor." I'm honestly surprised and suspicious from the words that spilled from Levi's mouth.

"Honor" my ass... I don't believe that.

"Sweetie your friend, I'm sorry what's your name again dear?" I almost threw up when my mom called him "dear" like, what the fuck?! "My name's Levi. Just Levi." Whatever.. I don't care what his name is, I want him to LEAVE.

"Y/n.. aren't you going to talk to Levi? He's your friend right?" My dad looked at me. "He's not my friend goddamn it." I sounded pissed and I knew I was. Can't my parents take the obvious hint by the way I'm acting?

"Oh... I see. He's MORE than a friend then." My mom looked at my father smirking. "Oh my... Levi, I accept your love for my daughter. Take good care of her please." I can't even believe it right now. My parents... my FUCKING parents are saying this type of bullshit! They think Levi's my boyfriend?! NO! Just- NO!

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