Chapter 2: Levi's pov

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Levi's pov

I'm walking around in the streets of the underground city. I feel the small pebbles being kicked on the ground.

"Damn it Levi. Why bother walking around if nothing good is going to happen?"
That's what I think to myself every goddamn day. There's nothing to do in this city. The only thing that happens is people stealing from others, thugs walk around thinking they're all that and crap, and there's people dying from the lack of supplies they have.

Unlike them, I survive by getting items myself. No, I don't steal. I might be poor but I have enough money to get little things for me. I have no parents to watch me, protect me, watch me grow up.

My mother deceased a long time ago when I was young. My father? My biological father in unknown. I don't even know who my own dad is. Whether he's dead or alive, that's not my problem anymore.

The only problem I should be worrying about is dying. And I don't plan on that to happen.

My mother always told me, "Levi dear, you should make some friends! When I die, I won't be around anymore.. promise me, you'll have people that care about you and you care about them too alright?" She told me when I was really young.. and I still remember those words that came out from her mouth. I'm not known around these parts. I don't care whether I'm unknown or known. I care about surviving. If there's at least one person, ONE person that shares the same personality with me, they might as well survive. Not like I'll ever find that person. Heh, we would make good friends not gonna lie.

I don't really have emotion. I don't cry, smile, or even laugh. No one ever saw me do those. I don't do that shit. I sighed and placed my hands into my pockets and started walking to my place.

I'm waiting for a moment where I get to escape this cruel world that I'm living in... I see my place up ahead. It's not too far thankfully. It's by where some thugs like to hang out and talk all that crap about others.

"Hey, did you hear about Mr. and Mrs. l/n?" "What did they steal this time bro?" I heard people talking about those two thieves. I believe everyone in the underground city knows who those two people are. Mr. and Mrs. l/n. A married couple that steal supplies from others or from places. I hear they get away with that kind of stuff pretty cleverly. Anyone that bothers to deal with them will probably get their ass kicked.

They have a daughter but I don't know her name. I don't intend to bother the l/n family. I don't want to get involved with the stuff they're getting into. They get into some bad stuff.

"It's y/n! Look!" I moved my head to look at a person pointing to a girl that looks like she's a teenager. Who's y/n? I don't know a 'y/n'. I don't get why they're pointing at her or even talking about her. Is she like, popular around these parts? If she's someone famous for something, my head must be in the clouds somewhere else thinking about other bullshit.

"Where's her parents though?" "Are they finally dead?" I heard two thugs say. I heard a crowd of peoples' footsteps running and walking towards the scene that's happening. Those idiots could just leave her alone and fuck off of her business.

But then again, they are thugs. They don't give a shit about who they're talking to. They always think they're all that. I heard people gossiping about the girl walking past those thugs. I saw one guy eyeing her body from the back and walking towards her.

Is he going to sexually harass her? This is very appalling to watch.

I don't intend to be a hero because that's just not me. I'm no hero to anyone. I don't want to make this situation worse than it already is. Then again, a teenager like her shouldn't be dealing with these thugs. I can't even see her face. Her long black hair is covering her face. She was wearing a white long sleeve with black pants and shoes.

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