Chapter 7: The Survey Corps

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Y/n's pov

It's been another few weeks since Isabel moved in with us. It feels kind of nice to have another girl in the household, it's like she's my little sister.

She calls me Big Sister and I don't mind it. She calls Levi "Big Bro" and it's cute but frustrating how she thinks of me and Levi as siblings even though we aren't. Farlan has his own room now but he gave it to Isabel because he didn't want her to sleep on the couch in the living room. I returned to my own room and, god how much I miss sleeping in my own bed finally.

Meanwhile, that bird that Isabel had? We went to the cave and watched as the bird flew in the sky. We started to hang out there for training and sometimes eat there. Levi would rub her head if Isabel would cry because of some sort of shit but, I don't really pay attention.

We were all walking back to our place when Levi and I spotted an old man by the stairway. "What's the deal, old man?" Isabel said, clearly sounding disturbed by his presence. He looked at us and placed something back in his pocket.

"You want something?" Isabel said. "I promise you a reward." The man said. I immediately didn't want to deal with whatever bullshit he was going to get us involved in. I glanced at Levi and he seemed pretty pissed.

"Go home!" Levi said, walking past him. We all followed Levi, I continued to walk by him at his side.

"Jan!" Farlan yelled. We all turned around and saw Jan being carried into a carriage. The old man was talking about how Jan's leg was already at its limit. Farlan kept asking questions, he wasn't giving up.

"I told you, didn't I? It's a deposit for the job." The old man said. I didn't like the vibe of this guy. I knew Levi didn't like it either. The look on this guy's face tells me we're about to be in some bad shit. "You'll listen to the details now, right?" We all looked at him blankly. Eventually, Levi started to follow him and we all did the same.

The man led us up a dark stairway but I saw light. I was crossing my arms as usual, looking the same way like I do everyday but deep down inside of me I wanted to leave with Levi and those two. Once the bright light hit our eyes, we looked curiously at the carriage in front of us. "Are these the guys?" A man with a deep voice said.

"Who the hell are you?" Levi said, impatiently. "It's understandable that you're wary of me. But you'll learn it's okay to trust me." The man said. "That doesn't answer his question." I blurted out.

The man ignored me and said, "Have you received the deposit already?" We were all taken aback when he asked that. "I don't know how things work on top, but in our world it's called taking a hostage." Levi said, staring the man down. "That's just a contingency plan we laid in place. When you have successfully completed the job, you won't only be getting a huge sum of money... but also, citizenship on the surface." We couldn't believe what he just said. I looked at Levi, hoping he would know the right thing for us to do.

He took a short glance at me, noticing that I'm obviously worried about the consequences if we do accept this job he's going to give us. Before we were about to leave, the man said, "I'll tell you this one thing..." We turned back to look at the man.

"Regardless of whether you accept this job or not, the target will still make contact. In other words, you can't remain unrelated in this matter."

"Levi, everything's ready." Farlan said. I was standing with Levi, but I was in my own thoughts. I was thinking of a plan in case we get caught of anything.

I know how those stupid Military Police people are. They aren't as scary or smart as they seem. Levi turned around to look at Farlan, then we left. We had our Maneuver Gear on us, we were all skilled enough to know what to do already if we get caught. Farlan was talking about how Jan was in a first rate hospital while we were walking to our location.

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