Chapter 3

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Unknown P.O.V

I stand in the shadows watching my Alpha.

Alpha Logan Carter.

The Alpha of the Rogues.
Not the most powerful Alpha but definitely the most savage.

We are waiting for our best warrior Jasper to return with the information that Alpha Carter has been waiting a long time for.

Just as I am in deep thought there's a knock on the door.

"Enter!" Alpha Carter's voice boomed, making me flinch slightly in the process before I quickly manage to recover myself before he can see.

One thing to know about my Alpha is to never under any circumstances show weakness. He will exploit it in any way he can to keep you under his control, or in a lot of cases if that doesn't work he will just take your life instead. He isn't fussy on which one he chooses.

I have witnessed to many innocents killed by him and his wolf, including his own mate.

She was a shy and timid human and because of this Alpha Carter thought it would make him weak. He wanted a Luna to be as strong as himself, someone that could help him kill other Alphas and claim their packs as their own. Then one night he decided to eliminate his own mate when she wasn't strong enough to fight when we were attacked by a group of other rogues.
That group of rogues though didn't know what hit them when Alpha Carter gave the word to attack. They had no chance and the ones that weren't slaughtered decided to submit and our pack got even bigger.
I will never forget the look on his mates face though when she realised the wolf that was attacking her was her very own mate.
She died knowing the one person that should have protected her the most was the one that was just about to kill her.

The saddest part is that because of him his pup had to grow up without her mother.

My mind is suddenly brought back to the hear and now as I watch in silence as the door opens with Jasper standing there, and I know he hasn't got the information Alpha Carter has been waiting for.

I stand back and wait.

"Well do you have the information I want Jasper?" Alpha Carter says quietly, almost to quietly.

With his head bowed down to the floor he replies, "No Alpha."

I watch in slow motion as the chair Alpha Carter was sitting on is flung into the wall behind him as he stands and within seconds has Jasper around the throat and pushed up against the wall.

"WHAT!" he growls, his Alpha tone deafening to my ears.

Suddenly he let's go just as quick as he had grabbed him and I keep watching as Jasper falls to his knees.
I want to help my friend but I know it would be the end of my life if I intervene, so I turn my head and look elsewhere not being able to watch any longer.

I look towards my Alpha now who has red flecks in his eyes, his wolf is trying to push to the surface obviously not liking the fact that Jasper has failed him.

"Find them Jasper."

I turn to see Jasper back on his feet and retreating to the door to leave.
Now you have to realise Jasper is our best warrior, standing 6.5" and is of massive build. But due to having an Alpha title means they are stronger no matter how hard you train your body and Jasper knows this.
But when I look into the eyes of my friend and see nothing but strength it takes me by surprise.

Before he leaves the room he looks back one final time as he nods in respect to Alpha Carter and myself saying "Alpha. Beta."

Alpha Carter responds, "Do not fail me again, because if there is a next time I will not control my wolf."

With that I hear the door close and I release my breath I didn't even know I was holding.

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