Chapter 9

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"I need Jake!" Eden screamed at me.

I knew in that second exactly what was happening to her.

She was starting to shift and that would mean so was Jake.

No one in our pack knew the time of Jake and Eden's birth, they had been found when they were pups and brought here by my father when he was Alpha.

Since I had already shifted into my wolf Shadow just over a month ago now, I knew the signs when Eden's beautiful features started to pale.

I hated seeing her in so much pain that came with shifting for the first time but I was also happy that finally she would become aware of the secret I've been hiding from her for just over a month since I turned 18.

It has been the toughest month of my life and on so many occasions I had to put every ounce of energy into keeping Shadow under control.

I remember the night I shifted. It was the best night of my life. I couldn't wait to meet my wolf and hopefully find my mate. My Luna.

I can tell you, I was not disappointed. Especially when I came back from my my first run and smelt the most amazing scent.

The sweetest smell of Roses and Coconut filled my nostrils as I inhaled deeply.
I was almost hypnotized by it as I followed it all the way back to the packhouse.
As I was walking I was also trying my hardest to keep Shadow under control. He was scratching the surface of my mind to be let free and I was struggling.

I kept walking once I got to the packhouse stairs, climbing them to the third floor. The sweet smell got stronger and I could hear Shadow howling as we got closer.
I couldn't believe it as I stood outside of one of the bedroom doors, because I knew immediately who's bedroom this was.

I smiled so much my jaw actually hurt. I had only hoped for this to happen, my heart rate spiked when Shadow starting howling louder in my head.

'Knock the door, mate is in there.'

Without thinking and listening to Shadow I went to knock on the door. But just in time I came to my senses, I couldn't not yet, she wouldn't know.
Standing outside of her door breathing in her scent like an idiot seemed to calm me.
I've been waiting for this moment all my life and even more so since I became Alpha.
But I had to wait.
It wasn't time.

Shadow was pushing harder and harder to the surface now though and it took everything in me to hold him back, he knew the one person we wanted so badly was finally going to be ours...

Our mate...



A few day's later and I had tried to keep my distance from her, I really did. I couldn't risk losing control of Shadow but I also couldn't handle being away from Eden for so long.
I had almost let it be known on so many occasions when I saw other male wolves talking or touching her. I wanted to let Shadow take control so badly to show everyone here that Eden was mine.

But instead I decided on the next best thing and banned anyone but myself and Jake from training with her. That way I had no worries about any other unmated male wolves getting to close to her.
It helped calm Shadow and myself being close to her and for obvious reasons Jake was the only male wolf I trusted with her. I even made Spencer keep his distance.
Considering he is the packs player, I had no intention on letting him near her. He is still my friend and would hate to have to hurt him because he touched what's mine.

I keep telling myself it's only a month.
I can do this.
Well I hope I can.

That was until us guys went shopping with the girls and I almost lost my shit when I found out someone had tried to take her from me.
I don't think I've ever felt such rage. I wanted so much to rip his throat out, slowly and viciously.
I'm actually glad I didn't find him that day because it would have been a damn right massacre in that restroom and I know Eden was already scared.

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