Chapter 20

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I can't keep the relief from within me when I see Jake running towards us.
The look on his wolf's face is nothing but pure hatred for the rogue wolf that now stands in front of me.

The last droplet of my blood on his lips as he twists his face into an evil smirk.

It looks like he's waiting on my next move, completely unaware of my brother's approach behind him.

This time it's my turn to smirk, and I see the quick look of confusion cross his scarred face before he masks it with a scowl.

Jake takes no time in reaching us as he jumps in front to protect me and starts growling loudly at the rogue.
His wolf which Jake had told me tonight is called Luca, stands at his tallest height, staring down at the rogue who I can now see is alot smaller in size.

As I watch in fascination I can see Jake's wolf lower his head. It's the slightest movement but I notice it.
His legs part slightly, giving his stance extra support and balance for battle.

Jake is no longer my brother.

He is my protecter.

But as I go to stand by his side it's his eyes that I notice the most.

They are a deep purple as he glares at the rogue.
But thinking back to when we both first shifted earlier today, his eyes were more of a bright lavender colour.

Oh, that's weird.

He glances my way quickly and the purple becomes a brighter shade again.
That is until his eyes land on the blood on my injured shoulder.

A second later Jake shifts his hard gaze back to the rogue and a menacing growl leaves his lips.

I watch as his eyes start to darken again.

Then I get it.

His eye colour is changing due to his emotions.

The darker his eyes. The angrier he is.

Woah, I'm excited to think that mine can do the same trick.

Jake's eyes are now focused once again on the rogue and as he does I stare at him as his eye colour takes on a much darker purple.

Oh my goddess, my twin is very angry.

Glancing over at the rogue that still hasn't made any attempt to move, leaves an uneasy feeling crawling up my spine.

It doesn't take me long to realise why, when I see new sets of red eyes in the darkness. And the rogue that was standing in front of us takes off towards them.

It occurs to me this was what he was waiting for.


I can see probably around eight pairs of red eyes in the distance but that's not what worries me.
It's the fact that they're not attacking us.

My stomach drops with each second that passes and the rogues don't move an inch.

Something isn't right and I'm not liking this at all.

'Get out of here Eden.' Jake shouts through our mindlink making me jump.

'No way Jake. We fight together or neither of us do.'

'GO!' He shouts at me again but louder this time.
But I refuse to leave him here to fight alone.

I might be injured but I know Mara isn't a weak wolf and she can still fight if needed.

'No, I won't leave you.'

I can see the struggle he's going through until he answers with a defeated sigh.

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