Chapter 37

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After I left my daughter and shutting off my mindlink to her, I put all my energy in to running as fast as I could through the forest to get to my son, the different scenarios that were going through my mind of what Logan could be doing to him were unforgiving, but with each step I took, I knew it was a step closer to Jake and that put my mind at ease at least for a few seconds. But I couldn't say the same about my daughter. My unrelenting thoughts consumed me and my heart ached for what my daughter thought of me.
Yes, I could understand that with me leaving she would think the worst of me, but in reality my world was falling apart again just like it had eighteen years ago.
And now I was holding on to every little shred of compassion she had in her, to understand that I haven't abandoned her again, and that I only left to protect her and Jake.
I would give anything to be able to live life as a family, just like everyone else, but fate dealt me a card that was proving that was never going to happen for me.

I will fight it though with everything in me. No matter what.

Because the moon goddess had given me three gifts in life. One was my mate, and the other two were my children. I had already lost my mate but there was no way I was going to lose my children too.

Logan wanted them.

I knew that.

And I knew he would do absolutely anything to get them.

He knows the power they hold separately and together but one thing I have learnt over the years, is that he doesn't know how to get their powers to work.

He's not the only one either. I have asked, pleaded, and fought anyone that I thought would know, but so far no one has been able or willing to tell me the most crucial part of information about them.

The only reason I know they have abililties is because of Denie and her parents, but even they never told me how to get their powers to work.
That was something they either didn't know or refused to tell me. Now it was to late, Denie had gone missing after her parents were murdered, and after all these years later, I still hadn't found her.

But now I had an opportunity to become the father my children never had. That's if I can manage to get Jake to forgive me and for Eden to forgive me again.
My heart aches in my chest even more thinking of the betrayal I've just put my daughter through, and in a weird way it almost feels like when I lost my mate. The pain is consuming me, drowning me, and taking away the only little piece of happiness I hadn't felt in such a long time.
Seeing Eden and talking to her after all these years after being in the shadows has made me now realise, that no amount of hiding will help them. It never did. I just couldn't see it until now. But stepping up to be the father they need in their life is now my number one priority and is something I can now see as clearly as the trees in front of me.

I have always protected them behind the scenes. In the shadows. But now I will be protecting them upfront and centre. Logan will know soon enough who I am to them, but by that time I'm hoping both my children will be safely back in the Blood Moon Pack where they belong. Safe. That's all that matters to me.

Shaking my head as I run. I need to lose these thoughts I'm having. They won't help me when I get back to the rogues territory, and I really need to keep a level head. So as I keep running, I push my wolf faster. Jake needs me more than my thoughts do right now. Pushing my paws harder into the dirt, I push my legs to go even faster, and as the burning sensation travels up each muscle in my legs...

I don't slow.

I don't stop.

I can't.

After another twenty minutes or so, I finally reach the border of the rogues territory.
Slowing down to a walk, I shift back to human form and grab some shorts from behind one of the trees.
I don't know yet if Logan knows I've betrayed him, so I brace myself for the fight of life just incase they try and attack me.

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