Chapter 17

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Nic's hand drops from mine as soon as the words come through the link from our border control.
Without realising what he's doing I'm being pushed back further into the bedroom.
Nic's eyes cloud over as he answers through the mindlink to his warriors.

The worry and anger on his features tell me that this isn't any ordinary breach on our territory.
And that means one thing. The breach isn't just another pack of werewolves but a pack of rogues.
That's the only ones that would make everyone so jittery.

Where there's one rogue there's normally hundreds.

Rogues are ruthless. They fight hard and kill others easily.

But I can't understand why they have decided to go up against our pack.
We are the most powerful with Nic having the worst reputation.

I'm not sure yet if they are brave to try and take Nic on or stupid.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel Nic's hard grip on my arm. My eyes scan up his body to his face and he's just standing there watching me.

I try to look unfazed about the breach we're currently dealing with because I need him to focus on getting back to me safe, not worrying about me because I'm a nervous wreck.

"Eden, when I leave I need you to get to the safe room. No matter what happens you don't stop. Do you understand me?"

"But..." I don't get a chance to finish my sentence as Nic slams his lips to mine, turns around and runs out the door.

I run over to the window quickly, just in time to see Nic jump off the porch shifting in mid air into his huge black wolf.
A deafening howl filters through the night indicating to our warriors that their Alpha is on his way.

My heart is racing, hoping everyone will be okay. My mind running wild about Nic and Jake's safety as well.

Oh my goddess Nic hasn't even had a chance to tell Jake not to shift in front of anyone yet. My heart rate picks up even more when I think about the consequences if he does.

I'm about to mindlink Jake and tell him but my wolf Mara interrupts me.

'We need to move.'

She's right we do. I can hear the growls of the rogues getting closer to the packhouse. If I stay here any longer I think I'm going to be in a lot of trouble.

This time I'm running out the door, down the stairs and off the porch.

The safe room is a room that Nic's father had built when he was Alpha.
It's a room that was built for mainly woman and children if we were ever attacked. The only ones that know about it is our own pack members. The room is perfectly camouflaged to anyone else.
Giving it the perfect hiding place.

I stop in my tracks when I hear the growls in the distance getting closer by the second.
The amount of growls and howls I can hear now sounds like the rogues have an army of wolves and for the first time in my life I'm terrified for my mate and my brother.

'Mara, they're nearly here, maybe we should shift? We can go faster in your form.' I say to my wolf.

'No. They are to close. Just start running Eden, I can help give you strength to run faster through our bond. But we need to go. Now!'

I don't think twice when Mara says that to me.

I pick up my pace with the help of my wolf and push my legs to go faster.

I can feel a sudden amount of anger through the mate bond that nearly buckles my legs from under me.

Nic is angry. No correction. Nic is furious.

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