Chapter 38

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I watch in anticipation as Austin's feet slowly move towards the bottom of the staircase that brought me down to this hell hole.
The slight hesitation in his movements telling me he seems to be untrusting of the order I've just given him.
But even in his hesitation his feet keep moving away from me and the cell that holds my son.
As he gets to the first step before climbing the rest of the stairs, he gives one last look of doubt my way.

I keep my emotions locked up and put on the same act that I've been using for the past eighteen years.

Head up. Shoulders back. Eyes blank.

It's what has kept me alive all these years.

The dim light overhead casts my shadow against the wall as I wait to hear the clicking of the door upstairs, knowing when I do it is then safe to move.

So I wait..

And wait..

But not to long luckily as the loud click is easily heard through the silence, and it takes me a matter of seconds to spring into action.

Rushing to the hook that holds the cell keys, I unlock the door quickly and run into the cell without any hesitation.
I'm stopped in my tracks when I see Jake lying on the filthy floor covered in blood. A huge gash stretches across his stomach, and I can see even in this dim light that it's not healing. The wolfsbane in his system preventing it by making his body weak, and I can see straight away that not only is the wolfsbane making him weak but being away from Eden for so long is making him even weaker than he should be.

The same thing happened when they were pups. Not that I understood it back then but now I can't help but think what an idiot I was not being able to see the signs that were right in front of my face.
Bringing the memory forward when they had only been six weeks old. Me and Aubree had arranged to go and see my mother with the twins. We were supposed to have dinner with her then venture back to our house, settle the twins down for the night and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet ourselves.
Things didn't turn out the way we had planned, when my poor little girl fell ill with a fever, so I went to see my mother on my own with Jake.
Aubree had stayed behind to look after Eden, but had insisted I went without them because my mother was excited to have some company. My mother was my only parent growing up and I was extremely close to her.
I remember as soon as we left home Jake became restless, he kept crying and crying. I didn't think he would ever stop. My mother tried soothing him. I held him close to me, rocking him in my arms, but nothing worked.

At the point where I had just about given up, Aubree mindlinked me, telling me how Eden was getting worse. Her temperature had sky rocketed and she had been crying non stop since we had left.
Without a second thought I told my mother we had to go. Grabbing Jake and securing him in his car seat, I drove us back home.
Looking back now I still think myself stupid not realising. We entered the house and went straight up to the twins bedroom.
My poor mate was sat in a chair that was in the corner of the room, rocking Eden in her arms.
Eden was screaming her little lungs out as was Jake that was laying in my arms.
I stepped forward reaching Aubree and Eden, and suddenly Jake and Eden stopped crying. The room fell silent and it was the first time since they had been separated that evening that they both seemed to settle. They may have only been six weeks old but as we laid them down in their joint crib together, their fingers touched and they held each other's hands tightly.

The fever Eden had for the last couple of hours had started to get better instantly, and the longer they were next to each other the better she got.
All that night me and Aubree took turns watching over them, and they had been settled all night.
By morning Eden was completely fine, no sign of the fever she'd had the evening before.

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