Chapter 10

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It's been a long ass day already. I never realised becoming Beta for the Blood Moon Pack would consist of so much paperwork. So much for me not doing any pack work today, I think to myself with a heavy sigh.
I'd decided it was time for a break, hence why I've been laying on my bed for the past hour.
But as the saying goes..there's no rest for the wicked.

Pulling myself up I throw my legs off the bed and sit on the edge with my feet touching the floor.
With a heavy sigh again I think of the rest of the paperwork I still have to face, and all of it is because of these damn rogues.
It makes me so angry. Rubbing my forehead to help with another headache that's forming.

Rogues are becoming a problem and a major headache at the moment, and that has unfortunately nearly doubled my work load.

Enough rest I mumble to myself in frustration, and stand to go towards the door.
But as I do something catches my attention outside of my window.
I walk closer over to it and look outside at the pack gardens to get a better look.
Realising in that moment it's my beautiful sister.
Watching as she casually walks through the gardens, her fingers delicately touching each flower as she keeps walking. Her long brown hair swaying in the light breeze of the afternoon. She stops and I see a small movement from her hand as she picks a flower off it's stem. I internally laugh to myself as a small sneeze leaves her after she brings a yellow rose up to her nose and smells it's scent.
A soft smile playing on her lips and her eyes are full of awe for the beauty that surrounds her.

How was I so lucky to have a twin like her.

A smile forms on my own face now as I watch her reactions to the natural world.

I stand still not being able to move away from the window. A thought entering my brain remembering how Eden always seems to say that Dominic is my best friend. Actually she still mentions it now sometimes but I've noticed it's only when she feels left out or lonely. We try to include her as much as possible, but sometimes she doesn't realise how much we try and protect her from stuff too. Like this rogue problem for instance. I don't want her to worry about things that she shouldn't have to worry about. That's what Nic and I are for in this pack.

Truth is no matter what she thinks about mine and Nic's friendship, my best friend will always be her.

To think I could have lost her when we all went shopping recently fills me with anger.
Anger at myself, that I should have done more that day. I knew something was wrong, I could feel it within myself. But I never done a damn thing until it could have been to late.

That will never happen again.

Not only is Eden my sister, my twin, my best friend but the only family I have left. And I promised myself that day that I would do anything to always keep her safe.

It's going to be difficult for me to step back and allow Eden's mate to protect her more than me though, but I know Nic will protect her with his life.....Yes I know it's him! When he turned 18 it was pretty obvious he had changed around her.
Always keeping other unmated male wolves away from her, only allowing himself or me to train with her. Watching her like she was his prey.

I had waited for him to talk to me about it, but Nic being the pig headed Alpha he is decided to keep it to himself.
So in the end I asked him outright.
I still laugh remembering his reaction, the look of shock on his face made me wish I had a camera.

He couldn't even deny it.

But knowing she will have a ruthless Alpha for a mate won't stop me from fighting to keep her safe as well and if Nic knows me as well as he should then he will realise that fact too.

With that troubling my mind, I feel eyes on me. Looking back out the window towards my sister I see her looking up at me with a frown and concern in her beautiful blue eyes.
I know she is feeling what I am right now and I can't ignore the niggling feeling I have inside of me anymore that our twin connection is only getting stronger.

I smile down at her, hoping to ease the tension in us both.
That's all I have time to do before I see Jess and Meg running towards her, each grabbing one of her hands and dragging her off.

I'm guessing it's their way of expressing it's time for my twin to get ready for our joint birthday party.

After continuing to stare out the window for a little while longer, I decide that's enough and my work will not get done by itself.

It's funny how girl's need hours to get ready. But luckily for me I'm not a girl so I only need a very short amount of time to get ready.
Which gives me plenty of time to finish up my work so I can enjoy our special evening.

Moving my feet towards the door, suddenly I feel strange, and when all the blood rushes from my face I start to panic.
Then before I can think about what's happening to me, the most excruciating pain hits my body like a freight train. I double over with the pain.

What the hell is happening to me?

Then like a light is switched on in my brain,
I know exactly what's happening.

Shit....I'm shifting.

That means so is Eden!

Needing to get to her I brace myself against the wall and with one of my hands holding the door handle, I take a few deep breaths. Praying for the pain to subside a little before I have to carry on.
As soon as I feel slightly better I pull the door open and step out into the corridor.
But not having a clue where Eden could be and knowing I haven't the time to go and look for her, I try and focus on our twin connection.

I have no idea if it will even work but at this moment in time I'm out of options.

Another wave of pain flows through my body and I almost collapse. Instead I lean forward putting a hand on the wall.

Knowing I have to hurry because shifting can be either a slow process or a fast one, I push off the wall and carry on.

I'm still focusing on pushing through the pain to get to Eden when I see Nic running to me from the other end of the corridor.

"Oh thank the goddess," I just about hear him say.
"I've been running all over this place looking for you. Where the hell have you been?"

"Not the time to have a go at me Nic," I say through gritted teeth, leaning against the wall again, putting my head in my hands and taking some deep breaths once again.

I lower my head down to my knees as my hands now fall pressing onto my legs, helping me stand more stable.

Hearing Nic step closer to me I look up.

"Do you know where my sister is Nic?"

I try really hard to hear his answer but with my pulse throbbing in my ears it's difficult. So I stare at him before he repeats his answer. This time I just about hear it.


In that moment something changes in me and I know I need to get to her quick, so I go against everything I've ever been taught and shout an order to my Alpha.

"Take me to my sister Nic....NOW!"

I'll deal with the consequences of that later.

First things first...

My sister!

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