Chapter 47

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My blood ran cold and the feeling of throwing up filled me when I heard the words coming from the rogue Alpha himself.

I knew our escape plan to get Jake had gone to smoothly. I'm not stupid. But the longer we were getting away with it, the less I thought about it.

That was a mistake I wouldn't make again.

The actual words that came out of Logan's mouth wasn't the issue though, it was the smirk on his face when he looked my way that had me wanting to throw up.

I didn't have time to throw even an evil look his way before I was suddenly pulled behind my protective mates back.
His hand gripping my wrist like a vice and I knew if I were human it would have probably broke.

I was flanked everywhere as I turned my head studying my surroundings.

Nic in front of me like a protective shield.

Jake had come closer behind me putting his hand on my shoulder. In an attempt to calm me down.

My father had put the woman down that had been in his arms and I couldn't help wonder who the hell she was.
It was easy to see he knew her some how even though Mara had informed me she couldn't sense her wolf.
That is something I would be asking him soon. Well hopefully.

I saw movement to my other side and saw Spencer step closer. He was covered in blood and my heart sank that maybe some of it was his.
Especially when his expression looked slightly pained. It was only when I saw his reaction, it hit me how Nic had unleashed his Alpha aura to the maximum.

Being his mate it didn't effect me, as a wave of guilt went through me.

I watched stunned as Spencer's head slightly fell forward. He was fighting the urge to submit to his Alpha strongly, as his shoulders tensed and it looked as though he was fighting an imaginary hand that was pushing his head down.

Feeling the tightening grip on my shoulder I tore my gaze from Spencer to look at Jake who was still standing behind me.
How he was even standing in the first place after everything he's been through amazed me.
But he also had a pained look on his face as his eyes were scrunched shut, I could see he was struggling with Nic's Alpha aura too.

I reached forward rubbing my hand up and down Nic's back trying my hardest to calm him. I knew my touch would help with a situation like this.
Nic never moved a muscle though. There was no relaxing into my touch like I had heard via other mated wolves due to the mate bond. There was no exhaling of breath.
All there was, was a seriously pissed of Alpha that seemed to have no recollection of us being here with him.

I tried again but still no acknowledgement and his aura seemed to get stronger. I knew Jake and Spencer couldn't hold out for much longer and I was worried as soon as their heads were bowed to their Alpha, that's when Logan would take his chance and attack.

My last resort was my father. Because he was still classed as a rogue, Nic's Alpha aura wouldn't work on him and I was grateful.

I could tell he kept glancing at Jake and when he looked at me raising a questioning eyebrow, realisation hit him.
I couldn't say anything out loud but through my link with him I could.


There was a moment of silence before he answered and I wondered if it's because I called him Dad.

'What do you need?'

'I need you to do something that stops Nic from using his Alpha aura. Jake and Spencer are struggling with it. As soon as they bow their heads in submission to their Alpha, I'm sure that's when Logan will attack. He's not responding to my touch because he is to angry. Stop him, please.'

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