Chapter 25

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Nic's head spins in my direction as quick as a flash. He looks dumbfounded just standing there with his mouth open, eyes wide and a confused look upon his face.
If this was a normal night then I would have laughed at his shocked expression.
But nothing about this night is normal.

I stare back at him with pleading eyes.
Eyes that ask him to believe me. I need someone to because right now I'm even starting to doubt myself.

I put one foot forward with my eyes still firmly on my mate.
That's when I hear the cracking of bones and I know without looking the man has now shifted back to his human form.
Nic's hand is still holding my arm as I take another step forward. My eyes leaving his and falling on the man that now stands in front of us.

Shock ricorchets through my entire body when I realise I've seen this man before.
I stare at him as he watches my every move. Never taking his eyes off of me.

I remember every detail of when he grabbed me in the girls restroom when I last went shopping.
How his hands grabbed my wrists. How he was so strong and huge that I didn't know how I was going to escape from the cubicle. How I punched him between the legs and his eyes watering due to the pain of my action. And how he had called my name as I ran from the restroom.

I can see it clearly now though. How even though Jake and myself are twins, we're not identical. Yes we have the same hair and eye colour but our features are slightly different.
It hits me at how Jake looks so much like this stranger that stands here with us. How he looks like our father.
How his nose has a slight point to it. Not to much to make him look silly but more of a manly nose. He has a strong jaw that's hidden behind some stubble.
I can tell why Jake's such a hit with the she wolves of our pack now, as weird as it sounds but my brother is handsome and so is my newly found father.

This means I must look like my mother, and a pang of sadness flows through me knowing she is someone I will never get the chance to meet.

My feet are moving towards my father and I feel like I can't stop them.

Realising I'm slowly inching closer to the man that I think is my father, Nic's grip on my arm gets tighter.
I trust Nic to never hurt me but I gather his trust towards my so called father is non existent as I feel bruises form where his fingers hold my soft flesh preventing me from moving any further.

I turn to Nic with a questioning look, as he very slowly shakes his head from side to side. Telling me silently to not move any closer to the man that's still standing there not moving a muscle.

My head swings between them both as my mind is running riot with different questions I so badly want to ask him.

My father clears his throat getting my attention and any questions I had disappear for a second.

"Eden, yes I am your father. I know you must have so many questions and I know how difficult this must be, but please if you give me time I can explain everything." He speaks so softly, like he talking to someone who is a flight risk.

This time he takes a step towards me when I'm suddenly pulled back into Nic's chest as a low growl slips from his lips.

"Don't come near her."

Nic still doesn't trust my father but to be honest and I don't know why but I seem to already.

Nic moves me away from him, still grasping tightly to my hand and we go to one of the trees. He grabs some shorts and chucks them at my father. They land on the ground just in front of him and he picks them up quickly and pulls them on.

Nic's eyes cloud over and I know he's mindlinking someone. And in a matter of seconds his eyes become the beautiful green again that I love to look at.

"I have some warriors on the way here with Spencer, they shouldn't be long then we will talk in my office. I want to know every single detail that you know and why the fuck you abandoned your own children for 18 years." Nic growls at my father.

I hear a loud sigh from my father, "That's fair, but I need you to know I had to. I never had a choice before you start throwing accusations my way boy."

This just makes Nic even angrier as he tries to push passed me and reaching out for my father.
I'm hot on his heels grabbing at his outstretched clenched fist.

"Please stop." I say to Nic, trying to calm him down with my free hand on his cheek.

"Nic please, I need to know what he has to say and you fighting with him isn't going to help. Plus he helped me earlier. If he wanted to hurt me he had every opportunity to do so then and he didn't."

Nic finally pulls his gaze away from my fathers and looks down at me and I can see it in his eyes that he will back away now.

I need to get to Nic's office and I need answers because whatever happened tonight is just the start of my worries.

I'm worried about why we were attacked. I'm worried that it might happen again but the worst one is that I'm worried because I can't feel the twin connection between me and Jake anymore.

I knew when Jake never showed up here that something had happened. Even with all my positive thoughts I tried to tell myself. I knew it was useless because if Jake was okay then he would have got to me no matter what.

Nic's arms wrap around my body in comfort. He must feel my emotions through our mate bond and I know he must be thinking the same as he hasn't seen Jake here either.
He's not said anything, maybe it's because he doesn't trust my father enough to say anything in front of him or he doesn't want to upset me but we both know how much Jake is protective of me and him not showing up is something to worry about.

My head swings around to the trees as Nic breaks our embrace just as Spencer and four warriors come into view.

I take in their appearance.

Blood covers every bit of exposed skin. I can see the tiredness in their eyes as they walk closer but never faulting in their duties to the pack. I can see numerous cuts and bruises but none look to bad thankfully.
They still have some fight left in them if needed. But I'm sure as I look at them more closely that they must be hoping that this will be a peaceful walk back to Nic's office.

Spencer glances my way and I ask him silently through my eyes if he's alright.
His features look tense. As his tired eyes land on mine, he gives me the slightest nod.
This is not the Spencer I know. He always has some quick wit to say. So I know something's wrong and I plan to find out what, even if I have to force it out of him.

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