Chapter 26-ish + some sad news

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i am honestly so sorry it's been so long. a lot has happened while i've been ia and i wish i could say i'm getting through it but, it's very difficult at the moment. but don't worry i have people helping me :). if anyone wants a small update i got on the team again for this year and i think i nearly broke my finger yesterday lol.
ok so now for the kinda sad news, i guess for some(maybe most? idk) of you it might be more than kinda but anyway... i am not going to finish this story. NOW BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME i will not leave you hanging with no sense of the ending i had in mind (unless you want to create your own feel free). i will give you the three paragraphs i wrote for this chapter then you can either end there or scroll down more to get to my notes of the plot line and the ending if you would like :) please dont hate me but i have very little motivation to do anything nowadays and writing(one of my favourite hobbies lol) is becoming difficult :/ 

i love you all so much and thank you for the support or what i have written so far and im sorry i can not properly finish it. 

now, on with the story... (IGNORE MISTAKES PLEASE)

Chapter 26-ish

Screaming. That's all you could hear. The toe-curling, blood-rushing sound echoing off the damp walls of the basement. The shrill sound piercing the ears of anyone passing by. The quiet dripping sound of blood hitting the concrete floor, a soft echo that would drive anyone crazy, except the select few like Louis. He revels in it. Soaks in the sound as if it is the only thing keeping him alive. The pain he is able to inflict makes him feel rejuvenated. It allows him to release all his pent up anger and frustrations from life onto another person and calm his racing thoughts. The screams and painful sounds emitted from the recipient just adds onto his high, feeding his ego.

"Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. I don't think you understand how good it feels to have you here in front of me. To be able to bend you to my will and put you in so much pain you wish for death. I've waited so long to be able to do this." Louis comments snidely into Nick's ear. Relishing in the way his breathing quickens again and catches in his throat due to the amount of blood running into his mouth and sliding down his throat. Louis has spent his sweet time breaking Nick's nose and carving into Nick's skin with his blade. The feeling of the warm crimson liquid sliding off the blade and onto his finger's was something he had missed after his short break caring for Harry. As his thoughts wander to Harry he pauses his devilish acts on Noah, his mind racing back to the past two weeks between them.

He hated to see the way his actions and words, or lack thereof, were hurting Harry. He only wanted to protect the curly haired lad from himself and his work. Which now thinking about it is kind of stupid with the field Harry works in and how he was assigned on Louis' case, but that's besides the point. He knew how dangerous he could get when he's enraged or the way his entire body language and mood would shift to a weird state of calm rage when he's in the basement or hunting someone. He only wants to protect Harry from that side of him. The side that is so catastrophically different from the boy he used to be and the boy Harry remembers. The boy Louis wants Harry to remember and know. But that's not him. Not anymore and not who he's been for a very, very long time. 

ok yeah thats all i had sorry 

so now onto my notes for what i had left in mind for upcoming chapters (please keep in mind its been a while and there might be some loop holes, just leave comments and i will try and clear up anything i can :D) just keep scrolling if you want to read them.

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