Chapter 12

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so... how is everyone? still mad at me? ok, hopefully this chapter cheers you up.

^also this photo makes me wanna cry cause they were so small and young 🥺


"Louis..." Harry chokes out. His voice is barely audible with how hoarse it is from the relentless sobs wracking throughout his body, and his still healing throat.

"Harry? What happened are you okay?" Louis frantically asks. He could hear Harry taking ragged breaths and choking back sobs and wanted to know why Harry is calling him in this state.

"I don't know, Louis! I can't believe he actually did that!" Harry cries out over the phone.

His sobs begin to grow and get louder as his breath comes out in short and choppy. He seems to be struggling breathing and Louis doesn't know why and he is scared for Harry's well being, even though they've only gotten to know each other again a few hours ago.

"Hey? Harry? Angel, I need you to take deep breaths in for me ok? Can you do that? Just follow me." Louis says, slowly breathing in and holding his breath, then exhaling slowly. He does it for a few minutes until he hears Harry's breathing begin to calm down again. "Can you tell me what happened Harry?"

"Can you pick me up? I don't want to do talk about it over the phone." Harry whispers.

"Yes, I can. Where are you, Sunshine?" Louis asks. He sees Liam staring at him curiously as he reaches for his car keys. He just waves Liam off mouthing that he's just going out for a drive.

"I'm sitting on a bench at the park." Harry says.

Louis notices how he seems to be breathing easier now, although it still sounds like a slight wheeze, and his sobs have subsided to little sniffles every once in a while. Harry didn't have to specify the location of the park since their was only one main park in the city, so Louis opened his door telling Harry he would be there soon, and goes to hang up. Before he hung up however, Harry whispers four words.

"Can you stay, please"

"Of course." Louis agrees. He's not upset that Harry wanted to stay on the line. Hearing the sound of the car and Louis' breathing were probably what Harry needed to stay grounded right now so Louis just stays on the call as he drives heading towards Harry.


When Louis arrives at the park, he sees a figure sitting on a bench with their head hung low and hunched shoulders that are shaking slightly. He doesn't want to scare Harry so he quietly whispers into the phone.

"Love? I'm here. Do you want me to come to you or do you want to come to me?"

"Can you come here please?" Harry asks, barely above a whisper.

Louis hums in agreement then exits his car. He walks up to the bench Harry is sat at in front of the pond and sits beside him. He doesn't make a move or say anything yet, waiting for Harry to feel comfortable enough to explain. 

"I cut Noah with a knife." Harry says monotonously.

Louis' head snaps up and he looks over at Harry with wide eyes. He wasn't expecting Harry to say that at all. However, when he looks Harry over, he notices the bruises on Harry's neck and the way Harry is staring off into the distance blankly, as if he's here but not here. Louis doesn't say anything and waits for Harry to continue, while quietly observing the boy's behaviour.

"He was drunk when he stumbled into the house after I had finished making dinner. I went to greet him and he was mad that I was home late. He threw his beer bottle at me and I yelled at him confused, but that just made him more mad. He asked where I was and I told him how I said I would be out meeting a friend for the whole day and that I would make dinner when I got home. I didn't want to fight cause I was still in pain and having trouble, but then he accused me of cheating and I yelled at him furious he would ever think such a thing. I accused him back and that's when he snapped. He trapped me between him and the counter top and kissed me. I was caught of guard long enough and he wrapped his arm around my neck and started choking me." Harry briefly stopped talking to bring a hand up to rub his neck as a small sob escaped his lips. Louis reaches out a hand to rest it on Harry's shoulder giving him comfort, but not wanting to push in case Harry didn't feel safe after what happened. "I grabbed the knife that was on the counter next to me and sliced his arm so he would let go. He did, and I tried catching my breath and quickly took of my ring and threw it at him telling him it was over. I grabbed a small amount of necessities and ran out of their as fast as I could and right before I left the house he told me he never loved me and that he was cheating on me..." Harry started sobbing again and falls into Louis' embrace. Louis just holds him tight and whispers sweet nothings into Harry's ear while telling him to breath slowly, to calm him down. "What do I do Boobear?" Harry cries into his neck.

"Well, how about we get you cleaned up and situated and then we can talk about that. Do you have a place to go tonight?" Louis asks. Harry shakes his head as he silently sobs into Louis' chest. "That's ok. I have a flat that I use sometimes not to far way from here. Do you want to stay there?" Harry nods his head but doesn't make a move to move out of Louis' grip.

Louis hears Harry's breathing begin to slow and feels his eyelashes flutter against his neck where Harry's head is tucked. He maneuvers Harry around so that he can pick him up bridal-style and carries him back towards his car. He sets Harry down in the passenger seat and gets in the drivers' seat and begins driving towards his flat. He tries to drive around the holes and bumps in the road so Harry can get some rest and let his body begin to heal. Louis can't help but keep sharing secret glances towards Harry while he is asleep. He looks so peaceful, the way his face relaxes, besides the evident bruises and small frown on his lips.

Louis arrives at the flat, thankful it's a secluded place and night, so no one would be able to see him and Harry. He carefully picks Harry up again and brings him inside. He gently lays Harry down on the bed, his hair in all sorts of directions and a slight frown set on his lips, but Louis still thinks he looks adorable. He is thankful Harry is still in comfortable clothes so he will be able to sleep. He decides to let Harry sleep for the night and treat the bruises and any other injuries in the morning when Harry is rested and feeling a bit better. Louis begins to leave the bedroom to go sleep on the couch, leaving Harry the bed so he can be comfortable. Before he leaves however, a hand grabs his wrist lightly to turn him around. He looks down to see Harry's hand on his wrist.

"Can you stay please, Boobear?" Harry whispers out brokenly.

"Of course, Sunshine." Louis quietly replies. He changes into some sweats and climbs into the bed behind Harry. Harry turns around and cuddles into Louis' chest for warmth and comfort, while Louis wraps his arms around Harry pulling him closer and leaving a kiss in his curls before Harry falls back asleep. Louis sends a text to Liam and Zayn, telling them he won't be back at the base tonight and to call him if anything happens. After that, he cuddles into Harry as well and drifts off into a sleep full of memories from their childhood.


we got some cute larry stuff. yay.

thoughts? any ideas about what's going to happen in the future?

don't forget to comment and vote.

all my love as always,

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