Chapter 2

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chapter 2!! we got some more background info coming so just sit back, relax, and enjoy the more boring parts of this book. hopefully it will get more interesting soon!


Louis Tomlinson is famous. But not in the sense that you would first think of, no. He is famous in the underground. He is the mafia boss of the Royal Devils, as they're called. It is one of the most famous and respected mafias in the world. There are many reasons why it is famous. Although it hasn't been around for a long time, the Royal Devils is still one of the go to mafias if you need to get the job done, and the job done fast and without complications. The Royal Devils have never been caught. No matter what job they do, they have outrun all the agencies and people after them. Louis began his career in crime in a different mafia when he was 16 and dropped out of secondary school. He at first wanted to continue school while he did extra jobs for the mafia to help pay for his mother's medical bills. Sadly, however, not long after he joined, his mother still ended up passing away. After his mother's passing, he had gotten in deep with the mafia and had grown a slight, or should I say major, liking to the crime life. So, he dropped out of secondary school and began quickly moving his way up through the ranks and eventually created his own mafia, the Royal Devils, once he learned the ropes. And now, at 28, he is one of the best mafia bosses in the world to one of the greatest mafias.

Louis is the at the top of the ranking in the mafia. There are different rankings within the mafia. We start out with the Boss at the highest level. Louis is the Boss of the Royal Devils, he basically runs everything. Even though he is the Boss, he gets help from many other people in the mafia. One of his best friends, Zayn, that he met during his time in the mafia is the underboss. The underboss os the second highest ranking. The underboss, helps out when the boss can't and is fit to take up the place of the Boss if something were to ever happen to the boss, Louis. Usually the underboss would be a family member of the Boss, but since Louis' sisters don't know what he does and no one in the mafia knows he has siblings, he was bale to choose Zayn to be the underboss. Another one of Louis' best mates is Liam. Liam is the consigliere, or advisor, of the mafia. He helps give advice to the Boss and underboss about the best decisions for the mafia to help them grow and earn money to keep going. The consigliere also represent Louis and Zayn if neither of them can be there for important meetings and decisions. 

Zayn joined the mafia at first to help pay for his college after he graduated, but he enjoyed the life of crime a bit too much as well, especially with Louis by his side, and decided to not go to college. Liam, however, actually did go to college, but only for a year or so. He had to dropout after he had no more money. He joined the mafia to get money to live and eat and ended up finding two of his best mates with a side of a hell of a lot of fun, blood and crime.

Although Louis never finished high school he did teach himself some valuable skills to keep his reigning position as mafia boss of the Royal Devils. He taught himself kinesics so he could always tell when someone was lying to him. Knowing when someone was lying to you was a great thing, especially when you are in the mafia. He was one of the best at reading people's body language. Zayn and Liam were always by Louis' side because he was their boss, but he was also their best friend. They only want to protect Louis during jobs and want to keep his darkest secrets safe and are always there for him.

Everybody in the mafia believes Louis is a cold, stone-faced man who will never love or show compassion. But, Zayn and Liam know Louis isn't really like that. He is very comppasionate once you know him, but he hasn't truly loved someone for a long time, especially after his mother's passing. I mean sure, he's had flings and one-night stands, but he hasn't truly and openly loved someone for years. He believes he will never find love because, one he is in the mafia, and two he doesn't believe he deserves love after everything he has done. He did love someone once. When he was younger, much younger. His childhood best friend to be exact. He doesn't remember him that much seeing as it has been a long time and they lost contact long ago. He does, however, remember staring into those sparkling green eyes and seeing a life he wished he could have now, but probably never would. 


yay! i finished another chapter. thoughts?

again sorry for the kinda boring background info, but it is important so you all understand how everything works so things will hopefully make sense.

hope you all enjoyed seeing the beginning of the darker side.

love you all,


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