Chapter 20

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i'm very late... i had like no motivation this past week but i wanted to get another chapter done.

so i'm going to ask this once again cause i still can't decide. if i were to add another ship would you want it to be ziam, niam, or ziall? or no side ship at all?

also, i start school soon :( so updates may take longer but i will still try to update as often as possible. thank you guys for understanding :)


After Louis hung up the phone on Harry he felt bad for leaving him alone in the state he was in, but hoped he wasn't alone and his few encouraging words had helped. He had to hang up the phone before Harry's voice and cries got the better of him and he told Harry what he planned to do. It wasn't helpful that he was able to visibly imagine the tear tracks on Harry's face and his glossed-over eyes and flushed cheeks. The thought made his heart ache at the state the poor boy seemed to be in. He had already seen Harry at his breaking point and after that he never wanted to see the boy in pain again. He made a promise to himself to do whatever he could to help Harry, and that is what he was going to do now.

He sets his phone down before steeling his face of any emotion and getting ready to call the one person he needed to help him with his plan.

Elijah Wolf. One of the best assassins in the underground world. Louis had met him when he was just starting up the Royal Devils. He wasn't as well known then but Louis decided to work with him and they both quickly rose through the ranks. So, here they were now, both famous in the world of crime for completely different things, and still close "friends." More close work friends.

Louis quickly dials Elijah's number once he had found it and sits down in his large office chair. He grabs the lit cigarette he had put down and continues to take deep drawls of the cancerous air before slowly exhaling, listening to the constant sound of the ringing phone.

"Hi, Louis. Long time no talk." Elijah answers the phone.

Louis scowls, he can practically hear the mocking tone in his voice. As he had said they were work 'friends'. They got along only when needed to.

"Hello to you too, Elijah." Louis drawls. "I have a job for you."


The next day at work Harry's brain is split in two. He's worried about Louis and what his plan is, but he also needs to focus on his work and figure out what he is gonna do about Mr. Smith's request. He couldn't betray Louis and turn him in just after he got him back, but he also couldn't turn himself in because he loved his job and had worked so hard to get here. 

Harry groans in frustration as his thoughts push and pull inside his head, giving him a slight headache. He shoves the file in front of him away and looks around the agency to distract himself. He watches all the other agents rushing around the floor to do their work and converse about how they could solve cases.  As his eyes drift around the room watching all the ruckus of the agency, that's when he notices him.

A person standing off to the side staring at him. He is wearing a dark suit, his hair styled in a slight quiff, and dark sunglasses covering his eyes. He is looking directly at Harry and that's when Harry realises why he had felt a bit off earlier. He brushed it off as his thoughts pushing and pulling at his brain, but that wasn't the only thing apparently. It was because of this man who hadn't taken his eyes off of him. When the man notices Harry is looking back at him he slightly bows his head towards him in acknowledgement before he turns away and heads towards Mr. Smith's office.

"Hey Niall?" Harry calls out to his friend as his eyes follow the man walking down the hallway before he disappears into his boss' office. 


"Did Mr. Smith say anything about a new recruit or that we had an inspection today?"

"No? Why?"

"No reason" Harry says and shakes his head, but he can't shake the feeling that this guy means bad news. Harry tries to resume his work, but his mind betrays him by wandering to the strange man and what he could possibly be doing here. As he is lost in his thoughts that's when he hears it. A scream. Everybody turns in the direction of the sound and that's when Harry realised it had come from the direction of his boss' office.

He jumps out of his seat and rushes over to see what the commotion is about. As he turns the corner he sees one of the case managers with her face white as a sheet, as if she had seen a ghost, staring at a figure on the ground. He makes his way into the office only to be met with the sight of his boss' body laying on the floor with a slight trail of blood coming out the side of his mouth. He quickly looks around noticing the window was open and runs towards it and looks down, only to be met with the view of the busy city street below. 'Where the fuck could he have gone and what was he doing here?' Harry asks himself. 'What are we going to do now?' 

"I'm going to call the Head Office and tell them what happened." Harry announces before he walks out, sending one last glance to the man on the floor. As Harry walks back to his desk to grab his phone to call the Head Office and that's when it hits him. Louis. 

He quickly rushes out of the building to his car and jumps into the driver's seat before dialing Louis' number. His leg shakes up and down, in anticipation for when he answers, as he mulls over what he is going to say. 

"Hi, Sunsh-" 

"Why?" Harry deadpans.

"What do you mean, angel?" Louis sweetly asks. No trace of regret about what he had done.

"Why did you kill him? Better yet why did you send an assassin?" Harry hisses.

"He was in the way and I wanted to help and this was how I could help. Aren't you happy, Sunshine? He's out of the way now, i told you you don't need to worry your pretty little head." 

Harry couldn't help but smile at the tone of Louis' voice, but then remembered why he was talking to him in the first place. "Louis," he sighs, "I get that you were trying to help, I do. But what if they put a stricter boss in his place? That's going to make it more difficult! What if they suspect it was you and I can't do anything to-" 

"Hey, hey. It's ok. I understood the risk I was taking doing this, yeah?" Louis says interrupting Harry's worried rambling.

Harry took a deep breath before replying. "Yeah... I just don't know what I'm going to do if I lose you again." He mumbled sadly.

"Me neither, angle, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, yeah?"

"Yeah." Harry smiles.

"Yeah." There's a moment of silence as they  both get lost in their thoughts before Louis speaks up again. "Hey, do you want to get some dinner with me tonight?" 


i honestly have no idea why it took me so long to write this. i hope it's good because i'm not the proudest of it but it's what i could get done. 

thoughts? why do you think louis asked harry to dinner? what do you think is going to happen with harry's boss?

as always, all the love,
-H x

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