Chapter 10

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OTRA hug ^ *wipes tear* *sniffles* anyway...

again... i'm bored and this chapter was already written so you're getting it. also, be ready for the feels.

i hope you guys enjoy reading this book as much as i enjoy writing it! it means so much to me to see you all liking this book. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ *virtual hug*

also this chapter is dedicated to emlyglsnthank you for all the wonderful comments, they really made my day! 💛


"So what did I miss with you Boobear?" Harry asks with a genuine smile and questioning eyes.

"Nothing much. I'm still me, just a little bit older and more mature." Louis replies. He wasn't ready to get into the deep stuff right now. Maybe later.

"So you mean to tell me you're still the bubbly child I met years ago? And was best friends with, even though you're now a mafia leader?" Harry asks with a giggle. He seems to do that a lot around Louis he thinks. Maybe it's just the way Louis makes him feel safe, which is very contradicting to his persona.

"Yes, somewhere deep inside though. I'm that person around my friends and family." Louis says. Now that he thinks about it he hasn't talked to his sisters in a while. It's kind of difficult for him to, seeing as they would be in danger if someone sees him with them. He misses them so much. He misses his mum a lot as well.

"How's your mum? I remember how kind and caring she was whenever we would hang out." Harry says lost in thought. Louis feels his throat close up, as the overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry washes over him. His vision begins to blur as tears form in his eyes. Harry looks over at Louis, confused by his lack of an answer, only to see him on the verge of tears. He realises something must have happened to Jay and quickly scrambles to give the shorter boy a tight hug. He wrap his arms around Louis' body holding him close to his chest. He runs his fingers through Louis' hair as soft sobs rack through the boys body.

"I'm sorry, Boobear. It's alright, I'm here. I'm not going to let go until you want me too." Harry whispers into Louis' ear pulling the boy impossibly closer to him. Louis shakes his head, not trusting his voice enough to speak properly. Harry continues to whisper sweet words into Louis' ear while combing his hands through his hair to calm him down. Eventually, Louis' sobs die down into quiet sniffles, but he doesn't let go of Harry as he begins to talk.

"She's actually the reason I joined the mafia." Louis' face was still tucked into Harry's chest, that he missed Harry's confused face, but he still continued talking anyway. "She got sick...really sick." Louis sniffles. "She got cancer and we didn't have enough money to pay the medical bills. My two jobs weren't cutting it so I asked if I could do a few jobs for the mafia and I ended up getting sucked in too deep." Louis says releasing a shaky breath. "After she...after she passed, I didn't know what to do or where to go, so I made some bad decisions and ended up sticking with the mafia. And now I'm here. A mafia boss. God, my mum would be so disappointed in me, Sunshine." Louis says, his voice cracking as another wave of sobs hit him.

"Hey, hey, Boobear. None of that now. I'm sure she is so proud of you. Yeah, you may have not made the best choices with your lifestyle, but she probably understands why you did it. She's probably also happy that you're alive and healthy. In fact, I think she is watching over you and protecting you." Harry says to Louis, holding his face in his hands. He gives Louis a sincere look showing he means what he says. Louis' eyes begin to gloss over again and he tucks his head into Harry's neck and wraps his arms around Harry. They stay there for awhile. Just soaking up each other's warmth and comfort. They didn't realise how much they had actually missed each other until they were back in each other's arms.

"You know what, Hazzabear?" Louis asks Harry. Harry just raises an eyebrow and hums in recognition for Louis to continue. "My mum would have loved to have seen who you've become. She loved you like a second son. Sometimes I think she loved you more than me." Louis says, and Harry can't help but let out a quiet chuckle and cuddle the boy closer to him. They were perfectly content just staying there and not talking.  And if they stayed like that, cuddled up in each other's arms, catching up on what they missed with each other for the rest of the day, then no one had to know.


Harry arrives back home close to dinner time. He and Louis had ended up spending most of the day together just talking and making each other laugh and smile more in one day than they had in the past few years. He checks the time and realises that Noah would be home and that he needs to make dinner.

"Noah?" He calls as he enters the house. The house seems eerily quiet, but Harry just shrugs it off thinking Noah may have been called late to work again. Harry decides that he should start on dinner so that's what he does. He gets out everything he needs and begins cooking. 

It's an hour or so later when Harry hears Noah stumble into the house. He has just finished cooking dinner so he thought he should go greet Noah and let him know. Harry, however, was unaware of the amount of alcohol Noah had consumed. While Harry thought Noah was called late to work, he had really been out and about drinking, pissed at the fact that Harry hadn't been home earlier. So, when the curly-haired lad walked into the entryway, he was met with an angry glare that belonged to no one, other than Noah.


*hides* please don't hate me. i'm sorry.

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sincerest apologies,

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