Chapter 22

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this chapter is quicker than normal because after i wrote the last chapter I just kept writing. anyway i hope you guys enjoy it :)

warning: violence at the beginning


"Grimshaw, how are you?" Louis greets with fake sincerity and a shallow smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"Tomlinson." Nick grumbles in reply.

The two of them were currently standing a few feet apart staring at each other with malicious intent. There seconds and capos were standing a few feet behind each of them, prepared to attack if their leader was provoked.

"You know Nick, a little birdy told me you killed some of my men. Care to tell me if this is true?" Louis sassily asks. Nick makes no movement to answer Louis' question, he just stares at him with narrow eyes, hollow with no emotion. However, Louis notices the little twitch in his fingers that are relaxed near his gun. "Cause' if you didn't do anything and this is just a big misunderstanding nothing has to happen here." Louis says. He begins to turn around before quickly ducking out of the way as Nick fires his gun where Louis was once standing.

"Oh Nicky, you shouldn't have done that." Louis chuckles darkly before jumping up to his feet and in one swift motion shooting Nick in his stomach, causing the latter to bend over and groan in pain. Louis keeps the gun held towards Nick. "This all could have been quick and simple but you had to go and make this difficult didn't you?" Louis rhetorically asks as he steps towards Nick and grabs his hair, tugging on it roughly to make him look in his eyes. Nick's capos go to move, but before they can draw their guns Zayn and the other capos draw their own guns on them. They drop their weapons knowing who is in charge here. "Now, since I'm feeling generous today I'll let you go with your life and this bullet wound as a reminder, along with maybe a few more cuts and bruises." Louis says as he digs a finger into the hole the bullet made in Nick's skin and moving it around, pushing the bullet in further. "But, if something like this ever happens again or you try to cross me," Louis shoves his finger further into the wound causing Nick to cry out in pain, "I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your head." Louis growls in his ear before taking his finger out and pulling back far enough to punch Nick square in the jaw. Nick falls backwards but is able to turn around and catch himself on his hands. He tries to stand up only for Louis to step on his back and push him into the floor. Louis bends down to whisper in his ear, "Make sure to watch your back Nick." That's all Louis says before standing up and grabbing Nick's head in his hands, and with no warning smashes it against the ground hard enough to knock him out, but not kill him.

Louis stands up and takes the handkerchief out of his pocket before slowly wiping the blood off of his hand- making a show out of it. He throws the handkerchief on top of Nicks uncouncious body and then wipes his trousers off and dusts off his sleeves, before turning around and making his way back to where Zayn is standing next to their cars. "Well, time to go I have to go and pick Harry up." Louis casually says, as if he didn't just shoot someone, and opens the door settling into the passenger seat. Zayn shakes his head to recover from what just happened and turns around nodding his head at the other capos letting them know they can lower their weapons and leave. Zayn quickly gets into the drivers' side before speeding away from the scene and towards Harry's house.


Harry was standing in front of the mirror looking himself up and down. He hopes his outfit is casual enough but still fancy. He was currently wearing black skinny jeans with an ivory, silk button up shirt, the buttons done half-way up to show of his swallow tattoos and the top of the butterfly on his stomach. He usually only wore these outfits in his time away from work and when Noah wasn't home. Harry sighs at the thought of Noah and falls back onto the bed. He doesn't know what Louis did with Noah, and if he's honest, he doesn't really care. Being away from him gave Harry time to fully see all the damage Noah had done. He had teared him down piece by piece, stripped him bare, only taking and taking without giving, and Harry being the kind person he is only kept giving. He feels so stupid for being so blind and not standing up for himself more. He realised how much he tried to make himself seem smaller in Noah's presence, as he felt that's what Noah wanted and all he ever did was try to please the man. He shouldn't have. He should have listened to his parents and friends when they warned him about Noah, but he didn't. They all were suspicious and maybe, just maybe, if he tried to listen and see from their point of view he wouldn't be in this mess. Harry doesn't even realise he has started to cry until he takes a deep breath, cut short as it catches in his throat making him choke. He feels a  single, salty tear roll down his cheek, leaving a wet path of his old life in it's wake, and fall off his chin into his lap as the memories flash in his mind. He sees them clear as day as if he was watching his life unfold as a movie right before his eyes. He quickly wipes the few stray tears, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. Louis was going to be their soon and they were going to go out for their da- dinner. It was just a dinner. He shouldn't even be thinking of it as a date. He's barely gotten over Noah it's only been a month he should't be moving on this fast, he shouldn't. But he is. Harry rushes into the bathroom to splash his face with cold water and grips tightly, knuckles turning white, onto the edge of the counter breathing in and out slowly, tryong to calm the rising breakdown wracking his body. He doesn't have to wait long until there is a quiet but confident knock on his door. Harry looks at himself in the mirror one last time before putting on a smile and walking out of his bathroom and towards the door.

He opens the door only to have his breath knocked out of him as he drinks in the sight of Louis in front of him. The man's hair was in a fringe over his forehead giving off soft and calming vibes, despite that fact he looked regal in his dark, navy blue suit. The first few buttons of his undershirt were undone, framing his 'it is what it is' tattoo, and he had no tie on to make the suit look more casual. Harry clears his throat when he realises he's been staring too long and looks up from where his eyes are studying Louis' tattoos, meeting the oceanic blue that are brighter and more alive than all the oceans combined.

Louis is already looking a him with an amused smile and Harry smiles shyly back before whispering out a short and breathless, "Hi." still trying to find his voice and get over the initial shock of Louis in his outfit.

"Hi, Sunshine. You ready to go?"


so the dinner is next chapter ;) what do you think is going to happen?

thoughts on this chapter?

don't forget to comment and vote.

all the love,
-H x

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