Chapter 7

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i'm bored and i finished this so you're getting it early!

it's me back with another chapter. hope you all are enjoying the story!

also i dedicate this chapter to the two people who helped me the most while starting to write this, X3bananasforaeurooX and Heyidkyay, i love you guys.


Harry, Niall, and 2 teams were hiding at the back of the building in case they tried to get out through the back door. The 3 other teams were at the front of the building already fighting. You could hear a lot of gunshots and Harry was glad that they chose a less populated area to do this. Harry gets pulled out of his thoughts when he hears the door open. Three figures walk out with another group of people trailing behind them. The one on the left looks like a Greek god and the one on the right looks like a little puppy. Harry takes most notice of the one in the middle. He looks so familiar to him, yet he can't figure out why. When they get closer to the middle of the back parking lot Harry orders everyone to surround them.

"NOW!" Harry yells to the captains and teams. They all jump out and surround the three men and the group of people, whom Harry thinks, are probably there for extra protection.

All of a sudden gunshots are being fired on both sides of the fight. Harry hears someone yell, "PROTECT LOUIS!" and looks to see the puppy looking person start to protect the shorter one. Harry then realises the shorter one must be Louis, and that is who his target is. He takes a quick look at Niall and glances at Louis. Niall gets the message and nods,  signaling that he will protect Harry while he goes after Louis.

Harry starts aiming his gun towards Louis' leg so he would be able to slow him down. He sees that Louis has stopped and realised that he was about to get into the van. Before he shoots he glances up to see Louis staring right at him. He stares into those ocean blue eyes, that shine like sapphires. That's when he realises why he looked so familiar. Those eyes belonged to Him. The one person who treated Harry right and was always there for him. His Boobear.


"BOOBEAR! BOOBEAR!" Harry yelled as he runs through the field towards the boy with the messy fringe and startling blue eyes.  Louis spun around at the sound of Harry's voice calling him. He had spun around just in time for Harry's body to collide with his and they both went tumbling down to the ground.

"Hey Sun." Louis greeted a grinning and giggling Harry, who was laying on top of him.

Harry hid his face in Louis' neck to try and quiet down his giggles, until he remembered why he had come here in the first place.

"Boobear, can I ask you a question?" Harry asked, suddenly getting very serious. He rolled off from on top of Louis and sat up pulling his legs towards his chest.

"You just did, but of course Sunshine." Louis replied, joining Harry in sitting up.

"Is it ok for boys to like boys Boobear?" Harry asked self-consciously. 

Louis stared at Harry as he tried to understand why Harry would ask that. "Of course it is, Sunshine. Everyone should be able to love whoever they want." Louis responded, hoping to make Harry feel better with his answer. 

Harry looked at the ground with a small, faint smile playing on his lips. He looked up to make eye contact with Louis. Forest green eyes meeting ocean blue ones. "Well, I like you, a lot, Boobear." 

"I like you a lot to, my sunshine." Louis said before going to tickle Harry's side to hear the magical sound of the boys giggle. He hoped he would never lose Harry. Little did he know.

*End of flashback*

Harry snaps out of his flashback when he hears a car door slam shut. He looks up to see Louis in the passenger seat of the car, looking directly at him. Harry doesn't know if he imagines it but he sees a flicker of recognition in Louis' eyes. Maybe he remembers too.

Before the car starts to drive away Harry remembers he was supposed to detain Louis, but since he's in the car he can't really shoot his leg anymore. So he does the next best thing, and making direct eye contact with Louis, he starts to shoot the tires of the car. 

Louis' eyes widen when he sees Harry start to shoot the car and yells at Liam to start driving away. He feels bad for leaving Zayn behind, but he knows he is safe and understands. He trusts he will get back to the base soon, hopefully in a healthy condition.


"Harry, you're one of our best captains and you never miss a shot! What happened out there?!" Mr. Smith, his boss, yells at his face.

Harry is sitting in his bosses office getting a scolding for not shooting. He had a great shot, but he couldn't bring himself to do that to Louis. To his Boobear.

"The gun didn't go off when I pulled the trigger. Must have been jammed." Harry replies calmly to his boss. He never thought that one day he would be lying through his teeth to his boss about a mafia leader, but then again the unexpected happens, plus his training didn't go to waste. 

"Fine." His boss sighs. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again." 

Harry nods and makes his way out of the office and towards his and Niall's work station.

"I know you lied about why you didn't shoot Hazza." Niall says as soon as Harry sits down. 

"I have no clue what you're talking about Nigel." Harry sighs out.

"Yes you do. You never call me Nigel unless you're trying to get me off your tail." 

And 'shit' Harry thinks. Sometimes having a best-friend who knows almost everything about you and is also a secret agent, makes it difficult to lie to them.

"Fine. I'll tell you, but not here, after work. First, I've got a letter to write to someone." Harry compromises. Niall nods, but is then confused as to why Harry would need to write a letter. He opens his mouth to ask but then Harry sends him a glare telling him to not question it any further. Niall holds his hands up in surrender and walks away, leaving Harry to figure out how he is going to get Louis to talk to him without thinking it's a trap. But, then he gets an idea. 

Dear Boobear, 


ooooo cliffhanger. kind of?

anyway, hope you all enjoyed the chapter and thank you for reading.


don't forget to comment and vote!

lots of love,


also, i hope everyone is staying safe and taking breaks from social media and doing something they enjoy if they need to. i know social media can be a very toxic place and i want you to know i am here for you if you ever want to or need to talk. 💛

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