Chapter 13

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^the gif wouldn't work in the media

...double update...

i have some ideas for future chapters, but they may get dark, so i'm warning you know. i will try and make sure when there are dark scenes to put a warning so people know.

hope you guys liked the cuteness of last chapter. i'm giving you some more cuteness before things start going downhill. 🙃


Harry wakes up to the feeling of someone rubbing there hand up and down his back in a soothing manner. He buries his face further into the chest of the person under him and lets out a groan, but it was barely audible due to the soreness of his throat. That's when he remembers what happened last night and all the memories come flooding in. His eyes snap open and he sits up straight, his hands coming up to reach for his throat due to the feeling of not being able to breathe. He looks over to see Louis staring at him with worried and caring eyes.

"I- I ca- can't. sp- speak." Harry wheezes out as tears start to form in his eyes from the roughness of his throat when he tries to talk or inhales.

"Sunshine, I know it hurts, but I need you to calm down or it's only going to get worse. You don't need to talk right now you need to let your throat heal." Louis says sitting up to bring Harry's hands towards his chest to try and give him something to hold and stay grounded. "I'll ask you questions and you just nod or shake your head so you don't use your voice, ok?" Harry nods his head in reply, his breathing still ragged and his body beginning to shake. "Ok, I want you to try following my breathing. Ready? In, hold, and out. That's good. In, hold, and out." Louis repeats as he keeps hold of Harry's hands and makes eye contact with him. Louis watches as Harry winces at the feeling of breathing deeply, but he knows it will be better than him breathing too fast to the point it would become almost to difficult to inhale.

"Better?" Louis asks. Harry nods and lays back down on the bed staring at the ceiling. Louis sees his eyes go distant and decides to give Harry some space while he goes and gets some food and water for them. He also grabs some ibuprofen for the pain and an ice pack to put against Harry's neck to help keep the welling down.

While Louis is still collecting everything Harry receives a message and the sound of his phone going of snaps him out of his thoughts. He picks up his phone to find a message from Niall.

From Nialler:
hey, haz, are you ok? you're normally never this late for work.

That's when Harry notices the time. 8:28 am. He was supposed to be at work over an hour ago. "Shit." He mutters, but it doesn't even sound like a word with his wrecked voice.

To Nialler:
Sorry, Ni. Some stuff came up. I won't be at work today. I promise I'll explain everything later.

From Nialler:
ok. stay safe hazza.

He lets out a long sigh as Louis walks back into the room. He quickly emails his boss letting him know that he isn't able to come into work and receives one back less than a minute later. It consisted of his boss talking about how he is the best captain and he's going to be missed for however long he is gone and that he hopes he is well. He thanks his boss then turns his phone off and faces Louis to see what he bought back.

"I got you some water so your throat isn't dry, ibuprofen for the pain, and an ice pack to help keep down the swelling. And, if you feel up to it, I got some eggs to eat. So, do you want to start with the water and ibuprofen then we can put the ice on it?" Louis asks. Harry nods his head and reaches for the glass and pill that Louis hands him. He puts the pill in his mouth then swallows it down with the water. The pain of swallowing the pill made Harry scrunch up his face, but drinking the water helped sooth the dryness and heat of his throat, sending a cool rush through his body. He hands the glass back to Louis, who sets it down and grabs the ice pack and wraps it in a towel. He then sits next to Harry on the bed and brings the ice pack up to Harry's neck. Harry flinches at the cold contact but eventually settles and reaches up to put his hand on top of Louis' to hold it against he neck as well. When their hands touch Harry and Louis make eye-contact, but quickly look away. "I'll go... umm, get you a pen and paper so you can write stuff down if you need to answer a question that isn't yes or no. Will you be ok for a minute or two?" Louis asks removing his hand from under Harry's on the ice pack. Harry stiffly nods and Louis exits the room to get the notepad and pen.

Louis walks back in to give Harry the notepad and they spend a few hours treating Harry's neck and making sure it heals while talking some more. Or well, Louis talking and Harry writing down his answers and thoughts.  A few hours later Harry's phone goes off again and he lets out a quiet grunt before picking it up to look at the message. When he sees what it says he goes completely still. Louis looks up at Harry to see him staring wide eyed at his phone in shock. "Fuck." He hears Harry brokenly mutter.

"What happened?" Louis asks Harry. Harry doesn't reply. Instead, he turns his phone towards Louis so he can read the message for himself.

We got a lead on Louis Tomlinson.


i really like cliffhangers haha.


don't forget to comment and vote.

love you guys,
-H x

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