Chapter 17

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^i found this edit on insta and it was really cool so i wanted to share it. also credits to original creator of it because i tried finding their acc but couldn't :/ (also the youtube video kind of ruined the quality) :(

also, i'm still crying about louis leaving syco. our baby is free. 

so, this book is going to become darker than i originally thought so you all should be warned. 🙃

warnings: descriptive violence and torture (physical and psychological) 
enjoy ;)

"Hello, Noah." Louis slowly drawls out as he picks up a knife and spins the blade in his hand, "I have so much planned for you."

"I could kill you right here right now, but that's too good for you innit?" Louis says as he drags the knife up the side of Noah's neck and under his jawline. "I'd be very careful with your movements right now because one wrong move," Louis adds pressure to the knife, "and you could bleed out. Now, what should we start with? There's so much I could do it's hard to choose. Hmm.. let's see, oh! The infamous 'Death by a thousand cuts,' that's always a fun one." Louis says as he walks around Noah, who shakes his head. "No? You don't like that? Oh... well that ruins my fun." Louis pouts, but it soon turns into a smirk when he gets an idea. "Liam? Zayn? Take Noah to the white room."  

The white room was one of Louis' favourite forms of psychological torture. It was basically what you would think it was. It was a soundproof room with a white ceiling and floor and white walls. Noah would be put in white clothes as well and the lights were always be on, meaning that there was no shadows. It was one of the best ways to strip a person of their personal identity. They would go crazy with the long isolation times and they'll begin to believe anything you tell them, it was always fun to bend a person's thoughts and will. 

Zayn and Liam quickly untied a confused Noah from the chair and then left the room with Louis trailing behind them. They entered a small hallway where they strip Noah of his clothes, causing him to try and scream behind the gag making Louis roll his eyes and let out an annoyed huff. They change him into all white clothes, before dragging him through another door that was steel and soundproof and the inside was white with no window to look in. Liam holds Noah as Zayn unties the ropes around his wrist before they throw him into the room and quickly close and lock the door. There was a camera installed in the room, but it was white and hidden so the occupant couldn't see it, and allowed those outside the room to watch what the prisoner was doing. Louis sat down in the chair in front of the computer and watched as Noah banged on the door, although it made no sound, and snickers at his failed attempts. 

"Let's leave him in there for a few hours and only give him some water before we take him out. I don't want him falling asleep so if he seems to be, go in their and quickly splash his face with cold water then leave." Louis says before getting up and heading away from the cells. Liam and Zayn nod and stay behind watching Noah sit down and start rocking back and forth, muttering things under his breath that go unheard. 

When Louis closes the door to the basement he receives a message and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He can't help the smile that makes it's way onto his face when he reads who it's from.

From Sunshine:
Don't get mad, but my best friend Niall knows we hung out. Don't worry though he won't say anything. I've known him since the beginning of our training and we went to college together, so I trust him. 

To Sunshine:
If you trust him I'll trust you. I'm not mad. But if we are friends, what are you going to do about your job if we are ever seen together?

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