Chapter 24

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first: im shit at updating, and the editing in this is probably really bad. second: ive now realised how stupid and chaotic it was to begin a fanfic right before school started. and third: i was wondering if you guys would like if i made a twitter acc so i can give you sneak peaks of upcoming chapters and also let you guys know when updates may be coming? let me know what you think pls. 


Feigning confidence is the only way Louis knows how to protect himself. He makes himself look and seem big and strong, even if he is slowly crumbling and breaking on the inside. It's part of keeping himself safe with his job, but also so the wrong person doesn't get information on Louis and hurt him by hurting his family or by using the info as blackmail to show he is weak. But as the walls he's so carefully built and crafted to protect himself from situations like this begin to crumble, he does the only thing he can think of to do. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before tucking every emotion away into little boxes and slamming them into a room inside his mind. All except one, anger. Anger, that is now channelling through every vein and pore of his body. That's all Louis feels as he looks down at Harry's unconscious body in his lap. His hands were covered in blood, something that was not unusual for him, however, it felt different since it was Harry's blood.

He wanted to hurt Nick in any and every way possible for hurting Harry. He wanted to make him bleed so much he was barely alive. He wanted to hurt his pride, strip him of everything he's built, and show everyone how much of a fraud he was. He wanted to gauge his eyes out with his hands, dig his fingers into his eye sockets till his hands were drenched in blood, and feed his eyes to him. He didn't want Nick to see how much worse his torture was going to be. He wanted to cut his tongue out and feed it to him so he could taste his own lies. Before he could do any of that however he needed to get Harry safe.

Louis pulls his phone out of his pocket, fumbling with it as he tries not to coat it with the blood on his hands. He quickly dials Zayn's number as he whispers things into Harry's ear, telling him it would be okay as he waited for Zayn to pick up.

"I need you to bring a car with Liam. Nick shot Harry." Louis says as soon as Zayn picks up. He doesn't bother with the greetings knowing that Zayn would understand.

"Of course, Boss, we'll be there in a few." Zayn says, knowing it will help Louis to know he still has some sense of control over the situation.

Louis hangs up the phone and goes back to making sure Harry is okay. He looks at the way the stain continues to grow, soaking his shirt in a dark red stain as the blood leaks out of his wound, even with the pressure Louis applies. He sees the way Harry's eyes have rolled to the back of his head under his eyelids, the way his eyelashes fluttering as he tries to stay conscious but struggles, falling back into the depths of darkness. He watches how his breathing is ragged, taking shaking inhales and exhales, as time continues to slowly pass by, no care for the pain the two boys are in.

Thankfully Zayn and Liam arrive no less than thirty minutes later with a van. They back into the alleyway where Louis is sitting with Harry in his lap, combing his fingers through his hair and humming softly in his ear. Liam and Zayn were surprised to see Louis like this. They knew Louis usually disliked seeming small or showing so much affection to one person because he felt it made him look weak, which he didn't allow himself.

"Louis?" Liam calls, and Louis' head snaps up. They don't comment on the way his eyes gleam under the low lights or the slight puffiness that encases his eyes. They know Louis hates feeling vulnerable after everything he's been through, so they pretend to not notice.

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