Chapter 1

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here is the first chapter! i hope you guys enjoyed this cause i tried really hard and am very excited for this story! 


Looking in from the outside you would believe that Harry lives a pretty average life. He graduated college, has a job, a fiance, etc. But, in reality he doesn't live an average life at all. He worked hard to get a job at the international investigative coterie firm, or IICF as it is more commonly known. IICF is one of the most prestigious intelligence agencies in the world. Harry studied hard during his secondary school career and ended up being put in a grade level above his age. In college he met his best mate, Niall Horan, and studied for four years to earn his bachelor's degree in law. He then applied for a job at IICF and spent two years doing physical and mental training to help him when he works on the field during his cases. Once he completed his training to become an officer at IICF, he worked his hardest to get to the point where he is now. And now, at 26, Harry is one of the captains at IICF along with Niall. Apart, they are two of the best captains the agency has ever had, but together, they work as one of the greatest teams and never fail to bring in the enemy and close all their cases.

At IICF there are five levels of jobs you can have. The "lowest" level is a forensic or technician. Most people who work at this level mainly focus on helping solve the evidence the officers and captains collected while working out on the field. The officers are the "second best" level. Officers go out on the field and their main goals are to collect evidence and protect their captains. The next level are the captains. The captains are in charge of a group of officers and run cases. The captains are some of the best workers. Above the captains are the case managers. They basically do what their name says. The case managers organise and sort through cases and find the best cases to give to certain captains based on their skill levels. The "last" and "highest" level at IICF is the boss. The boss overlooks all the operations and cases going on, asses who does what best, and assigns who should be at what level. 

Harry and Niall both started out as officers after their training was complete. They both worked hard because they aspired to become captains. Eventually after 2 years of hard work as officers they became some of the best captains IICF has ever seen. Other than having an abnormal job, Harry does live a pretty average life. He is engaged to a man. (Yes, he is gay. If you don't like it you can fuck off). His name is Noah Thompson and they met at college. Noah studied psychology while he was in college and was infatuated by the curly haired lad. He felt like he must have him. So, that's what Noah did. He asked Harry on a date and, of course, he agreed, cause he thought Noah was cute and a fun guy. Now, five years later, Harry realises he may not have made the best decision. 

Noah always wants him home by a certain time, but with his job Harry struggles to meet his requests. So no matter how many times he tries to compromise with Noah, he knows he will get a punishment. Whether that be missing a day or arriving late to work to stay and please Noah the next day, since he needs to keep Noah happy, because that's all he wants for his fiance. To be happy.... together. Even though, pleasing Noah may make him sad, it makes Noah happy and Noah being happy helps him be happy, sometimes. Or that's the way he thought after everything Noah told him. I mean, Noah studied psychology. He knows what makes a healthy relationship and people happy, right? Noah also wants him to be a housewife. Which, Harry doesn't mind cause he loves being domestic, but he wished Noah would help him sometimes. 

At least, he has Niall. Someone who has been with him through thick and thin during college life, and now out on the field while working cases. Niall always tells Harry that he doesn't trust Noah or like him, and as much as Harry trusts Niall, he always uses the same excuses because he is stubborn and afraid. 

'It's because he loves me'

 'He just wants to keep me safe' 

Niall knows these are a lie and that Harry is trying to reassure himself more than Niall, but that's only because Noah is only the second person he has loved in his life. The first was an old childhood best friend who moved away and he lost contact with. That friend was how harry figured out he was gay. He loved him, but never got to tell him cause he was afraid of rejection and didn't want to lose him. But he did anyway.


ok. so the first chapter is complete! how was it?

the first few chapters may be a little boring cause they are mainly focused on background information and set up so everything makes sense.

i hope you all enjoyed!

love you, 


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