Chapter 18

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^also i made that :)

ummm i dont really have an excuse for this late update other than i got distracted with clowning and got major writers block ¯\_()_/¯ but i'm here now :)
i also don't want it to seem rushed so... i'm trying to figure that out

omg. so much has happened, the anniversary, the website, the unseens, TMD, irresistible, and magic being released, and so much more. i can't believe this.


It had been just over a month since the incident with Noah. Harry had been stuck running back and forth in the agency trying to 'help' solve the case without giving away the information that he knew. He was thankful that Niall was always going to be there by his side, because with his clumsy self he probably would have said something already. Harry was overwhlemed with the amount of work they were giving him. Not only did he have to work on Louis' case he also had a few other smaller cases that he and Niall were assigned to. Thankfully, those other cases were smaller and easier, but the workload was stressful.

Sadly, along with the stressful workload came less time to talk to Louis. The two of them had a few sparse conversations here and there, but not as often as they would like to have been talking. It was also quick and dry conversations such as a , 'Hi, How are you?' and 'Good, thank you.' Harry was at least thankful that the time apart gave him more time to reflect on his feelings.

His feelings. Now that was a fun conversation. He had no clue what they were. They were all over the place. He was confused, because how could he still feel that way about someone he hasn't talked to yet alone seen in so long. He was also happy to be feeling that type of warmth and comfort in another person again.

Harry groans and rubs his temples as he gets distracted from work, once again, and begins overthinking.

"You alright, mate?" Niall asks Harry as he looks over the file he's reading.

"Yeah." Niall raises and eyebrow. "No... I just- I don't know. My mind is all jumbled and having all these cases and working overtime while trying not to think about... that, it's all so difficult." Harry mumbles in reply.

Niall nods and hums in sympathy as he thinks of an answer to help his best friend. "You want to talk about it?" Niall asks. "I mean I know a lot's happening, so it might help to have someone else's thoughts on the matter."

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks Ni." Harry smiles gratefully and Niall gives him a grin back. "Just after work so we don't have to worry about any interference." Harry adds, Niall nodding along in agreement.

A few hours later Niall and Harry were sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and eating biscuits. Niall waits for Harry to take his time and watches as he picks apart his food- one of his nervous habits.

"I'm just confused with how I'm feeling." Harry starts and lets out a deep sigh before continuing, "I haven't talked to, or seen, him in so long. Like I- I shouldn't be feeling this way, right? Especially after just getting out of my relationship with Noah?" Harry inquires.

"Well, not necessarily Harry. Emotions come and go all the time so it's not impossible for you to be feeling what I think you're getting at. I understand why you might think it's weird to feel that way only a little while after the Noah... incident, but you'll always remember your first." Niall says, pausing to think of the best words.

"He was my first love... and hopefully my last."


Louis was also confused about his feelings. He took his frustration out on Noah and asked him why he did what he did and what would only become more enraged when Noah would reply with 'What did i do?' Liam and Zayn were a little frightened by Louis' anger. He would wake up and go to the basement where Noah is and then only come up when it was time for meals or to go to bed. They knew that they had to wait for Louis to figure it out on his own or ask for guidance.

It angered Louis so much that Noah didn't realise how much he had hurt this precious angel. His precious angel. Louis used his anger to physically hurt Noah the way he mentally hurt Harry. It drove him insane with the desire to protect the boy. He started questioning why he wanted to protect him so much. Why did he care so much about someone he hasn't seen or heard from in so long? Then everything came together and he connected the dots. That's when he realised, he still loved his Sunshine. Even after all these years, his Sunshine still owned the key to his heart. And he wanted- no needed- to get his Sunshine back, and that's what he would do.


sorry for the short chapter but i just needed them to start realising a few things to get the story to move.

thoughts? did you guys like it?

don't forget to comment and vote.

all the love,
- H x

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