Chapter 15

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so, don't you worry i have things planned for noah. that's the only hint you get. 
also, i might speed some things up at some point so get ready for that and i'm sorry if anything ever feels rushed. 

this is the longest chapter i've written so far. it has over 2,000 words. 

warning: violence


Harry lets out a surprised yelp at the sound of the gunshot, but the sound is drained out by the loud scream Noah let's out as the pain in his foot begins to grow. Noah doubles over in pain and falls onto the floor.

"What the fuck Louis!" Harry tries to yell at the smirking Louis beside him. 

"What? He deserved it." Louis says nonchalantly, walking up to Noah with a devious smile and spinning the gun around in his hand. Noah cowers back into the wall out of fear of the approaching man. "Why are you so scared? I thought you were supposed to be the big bad wolf." Louis says. He makes direct eye contact with Noah before pressing his finger into the bullet wound making Noah scream again and tears stream down his face out of pain. 

"Wha- What the- the fuck is wrong with you?" Noah stutters out through his heavy breathing and the overwhelming pain shooting throughout his body. 

"Oh, nothing's wrong with me Noah. Just thought you deserved a little pain after what you did." Louis says. He puts pressure on the bullet wound one more time before grabbing Noah's head and banging it against the wall behind him, hard enough to knock him out, but not hard enough to kill him. Louis stands up to face Harry who has his mouth ajar and watches as his eyes flicker back and forth between him and Noah. "Better close your mouth Harry, you'll catch flies like that." Louis says before sauntering down the hallway into the kitchen. 

Harry quickly shuts his mouth before following Louis into the kitchen and sending one last glance towards Noah's body slumped against the wall before he is out of sight. Once he walks in he notices that the smell of blood increased and looks at the floor to see the pool of blood from his escape earlier. 

'Of course he wouldn't clean it up' Harry thinks as he lets out a long sigh.  

"What are you doing?" Louis asks as he watches Harry get out bleach and a cloth. 

"Cleaning up the pool of blood cause it stinks." Harry replies as he puts some bleach on the ground and begins scrubbing at the floor. Louis sighs and walks up to Harry. He puts a hand around Harry's bicep making him stop and send a questioning glance towards him. Louis just shakes his head and heaves Harry up from his kneeling position on the floor. Apparently, Louis overestimated his strength and pulled to hard so that Harry ended up falling on top of him pushing him up against the counter and trapping him. Harry quietly gasps making eye contact with Louis before quickly scrambling off of him and turning around to hide his blush. He doesn't know why he is blushing. Maybe he's just embarrassed, yeah that's why.  

"There's no need to clean it up. we're not staying here long." Louis says as Harry turns back around to face him. Thankfully, Louis doesn't notice the faint blush still on Harry's cheeks and Harry lets out an almost silent sigh of relief.

"You might not be, but this is still my house and I still live here. I guess I'll just kick Noah out once he wakes up." Harry says rubbing his temples and then his throat as it's starting to get more irritated again after all this talking. 

"Don't worry about kicking Noah out. I have a place for him." Louis says with an evil glint in his eyes and a smirk as he looks in the general direction of where Noah's body is. He slowly turns to look at Harry's confused face and lets out a quiet chuckle.

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