Chapter 19

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sorry it's been awhile :/ i was having a bit of writers' block again

we are getting so much content lately I CANT.
anyway, here's another chapter, hope you enjoy it. :)


"Mr. Styles!" Harry turns around at the sound of his name being called by his boss. He has a bright smile on his face, but his eyes tell a different story. One full of hurt and betrayal. His boss motion for him to follow so he does. He silently follows his boss into his office as his thoughts jumble together searching for the reason as to why his boss was looking at him like that and why he had called Harry out. Harry's boss sits in his chair motioning for Harry to sit in front of him. He does, and schools his features to keep a neutral look on his face, even though he is freaking out on the inside.

"I've called you here because you are the best agent and I believe there is a mole in the agency and I need you to find out who it is." His boss states calmly.

"What do you mean there's a mole? Why do you think that?" Harry questions slowly, trying not to sound too curious and frightened. He was the one who called Louis, but why would they think there was a mole.

"The mission to the casino was a last minute decision meant to surprise Louis. The only way I can think he would've known about it is either someone ratted us out, or, there's a spy here."

"I understand, but why did you call me in here to tell me this?" Harry asks, focusing on keeping his face neutral and his voice level. He breathes slowly and deeply to keep his breathing at a normal pace.

"You're the best of the best. I want- no need- you to find out who the mole or spy is. Can you do it Harry?"

"Of course Mr. Smith." Harry reassures before he gets up and leaves his boss's office as quickly and calmly as possible to not seem suspicious.

As he closes the office door behind him, he feels as if everyone is staring at him as he walks back to his desk where Niall is seated waiting for him. He walks with his chin held high and makes sure not to hunch his shoulders to seem as if he isn't fazed by the attention, when in reality he is. The attention makes his skin crawl, the hair on the back of his neck rising, he was already slightly nervous after what his boss had said and asked of him. He wants to curl into a ball and hide. Harry had never liked all attention being on him, and having his boss single him out in front of everyone then go to his office, made everyone stare at him with curious eyes, wondering what his boss had said.

Harry finally makes it to his desk. His face still neutral and void of any emotion as he sits down and begins to look and sort through files. Niall kicks his foot under the desk causing his head to snap up and look at Niall. He asks a question with his eyes and Harry shakes his head in reply mouthing "Later." Niall nods and gets back to what he was already doing. Harry still feels eyes boring into his head so he looks up from his files and studies everyone in the room. His face is passive, but he makes eye-contact with every single person looking at him and narrows his eyes making them all quickly look away before resuming their work.

Harry thankfully wasn't bothered for the rest of the day, but he wasn't excited to tell Niall what had happened. This situation was going to be a test for them. A test to see if they would actually be able to pull this scheme off.


"So... What did Mr. Smith tell you?" Niall asks as soon as they have driven away from the agency and are cruising down the highway towards Harry's house.

"He said that he believes there's a mole and that he wants me to find out who it is." Harry replies. Niall looks over at him wide-eyed, his mouth gaping in shock.

"But... You're the one who told Louis. How are you supposed to find the mole without giving yourself in?" Niall asks.

"I don't know Niall. I worked so hard for this job I don't want to just give it up. But- But I can't give up Louis either." Harry whispers out. Niall reaches over the center console of the car and rests his hand on Harry's shoulder to try and comfort him. The rest of the car ride is silent as they make their way to Harry's house. Niall decides last minute to stay over so they don't stop to drop him off.

When they arrive at Harry's house, Harry unlocks the door and goes straight upstairs to take a shower and relax his tense muscles. Niall watches as Harry's slumped figure makes it's way up the stairs and onto the landing turning into the hallway that leads to his room. He decides to make dinner for the two of them, seeing as the state Harry is in.

In Harry's room however, instead of getting straight into the shower he calls Louis. He doesn't know why he always feels so drawn towards the older boy, but... he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Hello Sunshine." He hears Louis say from the other end of the line.

Harry smiles at the sound of his voice and sniffles as a tear rolls down his cheek. He hadn't even noticed that he was crying.

"Hey. Why are you crying, love?" Louis asks.

"I don't know, Lou. I- I'm just stressed, I guess? My boss told me he thinks there's a mole in the agency and I know it's me because I told you about the casino and- and he asked me to find out who it is, but I can't! Because it's me! I told you about it! I don't know what to do because I worked so hard for this job, but I don't want to- I can't lose you again Lou." Harry silently cries into the phone, gasping for breath after his confession. It felt so good talking to someone about how he was feeling with no barriers. Louis was silently on the other end of the phone and Harry was starting to get worried. 'Did I go to far?' 'Did I say something wrong?' Harry started to cry more, a wet sob escaping his lips as he began to overthink.

"Hey, love. Don't cry I'm right here. It's OK. You're OK." Louis whispered into the phone. "Don't worry about this situation love. I've got it covered, okay?"

Harry nodded even though Louis couldn't see him. He listened to Louis' breathing on the other side of the phone. The soft sounds of the puffs of air calming him down. He takes in a deep breath before exhaling slowly. His breath catching in his throat for a second as he finally registers Louis' words. "What do you mean you've got it covered?" Harry asks slowly, his voice cracking.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, Sunshine, you'll find out soon." Louis says.

Before Harry can reply he hangs up the phone, leaving Harry staring down at it confusedly wondering as to what Louis meant.


so what did you guys think of this chapter? did you like it?

what do you think louis is going to do?

anyway, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and are excited for the next one.

don't forget to comment and vote.

all the love
-H x

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