Chapter 21

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it's been awhile. anyway i started school and it's been going well although a few of my teachers suck :( 

anyway homework got in the way and i didn't have a lot of inspiration but i finally got some free time and was able to write this. i hope you like it :)


"Yeah." There's a moment of silence as they both get lost in their thoughts before Louis speaks up again. "Hey, do you want to get some dinner with me tonight?"

"Uhhh- Umm- I-Ehh..." Harry stumbles over his words as he struggles to find an answer. He was so caught of guard he just fished-mouthed for a few minutes before stuttering over his words and blushing furiously. "....Yes." Harry finally sighs out with a bright smile taking over his face. His dimples and his flushed cheeks on full display for anyone who were to walk by to see.

"Great!" Louis replies with a wide grin that Harry can practically hear in his excited voice even if he can't see it. "I'll pick you up tonight? Let's say around 7 ish?" Louis asks.

Harry blushes again at the realisation this is even happening. "Yeah 7 is good. You still remember where I live?"

"Yeah I think I do. I'll see you then"

"Yeah." Harry sighs out again. He's so excited and... nervous? This is just a dinner with his childhood friend nothing more or less, well maybe except the fact that he was also his first love. "Ummm what do I need to wear?" Harry asks quickly before he can get lost in his thoughts again.

"Something fancy but not too fancy. I'm just taking you out."

"Alright then, I'll see you at 7?" Harry asks blushing once again. He thinks about the fact that his face and neck probably look like a tomato at this point. 

"See you at 7. Bye, Hazza." Louis says before hanging up and leaving a flustered and slightly confused Harry to himself and his thoughts.

Harry sighs before resting his phone in his lap. He brings his hand up, running it through his curly locks- a nervous habit he's picked up over the years. He doesn't know why he's nervous or a blushing mess. Him and Louis are friends. Right? So why does this feel like this could possibly be a date? Harry groans as he lets his head fall back against the seat. He quickly tries to collect himself before picking his phone up once again and calling the Head Office to let them know what had happened. And that they may need to clean up some blood and to send someone to pick up a body.


Louis lets out a deep breath he didn't realise he was holding as he sets his phone down. He can't help the little flutter of his heart or the small smile that breaks the stone-cold, blank look that was on his face earlier. Harry had said yes. Louis was still trying to proccess why it felt as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulder at his answer. It was just a dinner between old friends to catch up. Nothing more. Nothing less. Right?

Louis let his thoughts wander allowing him to imagine it as something more than it was, and the way Harry would blush if he were to compliment him in that fond voice reserved for only those closest to his heart. Louis had to keep reminding himself he only felt this much happiness and peace around the green-eyed boy because they were childhood friends and all the memories and feelings associated with him were all joyful and made during some of the happiness times of his life.

Sadly, his daydreaming wasn't able to last long.

Liam and Zayn barged into his office with slightly scared looks. Their eyes not daring to make eye-contact with Louis for fear of his reaction from the news they were about to deliver. Louis' bright face darkened as he scowled at the way their bodies were wound up tight, backs as straight as a stick.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Louis asks narrowing his eyes as the boys slightly flinch at the sudden sound of his voice. They're movements are slow and calculated- like they're trying not to startle or provoke him before they say whatever it is they need to say.

"Well, umm, you see- I-" Liam starts but stutters as he tries to get his point across in a way that hopefully won't make Louis blow up. However, Liam's stuttering makes Louis more curious and aggravated.

"Spit it out." Louis grinds out through clenched teeth. His jaw is clenched so tight you can see the muscles when he makes even the slightest movement, and his body tight as he looks at the stuttering mess that is currently Liam. His whole demeanor changed from a fonding teenage boy, to a man who looks ready to murder anyone who crosses him or says one thing he doesn't like.

Liam looks towards Zayn for help because he doesn't want to deliver the news. Zayn sighs as he steps up beside Liam before taking a deep breath and preparing himself for Louis' reaction.

"Nickinterceptedoneoftherunsandkilledfiveofyourmen." Zayn quickly rushes out.

"What." Louis says more than asks, his voice dangerously low.

"Nick intercepted-"

"I heard you the first time." Louis nearly shouts as he slams his hands down on his desk and stands up. His voice echoing around the once still and quiet room causes Liam and Zayn to flinch and take a step back. Although they love Louis, when he gets in one of his moods or someone crosses him, he scares even them. "Fucking Grimshaw. I'm going to kill him. I thought he knew his place." Louis practically growls. Liam and Zayn send each other a worried glance. When Louis wants to hurt someone, he will do everything in his power to make them feel so much pain they'd feel on the brink of death, but they could only wish and beg for the sweet kiss of death to come and take them into the darkness. 

"Zayn go and get a team of our best men together. Liam I need you to stay here and monitor us." Louis barks out his orders before turning around to look out the window in his office. He takes his gun out of its holster, checking the bullets and that he has more if need be, but he never misses a shot. He puts his gun back before looking up and smirking and letting out a humorless chuckle, that would send chills down anyone's spine, "We're going on a hunt." 


i honestly came up with this turn in the matter of five mins so hope you enjoy it :)


don't forget to comment and vote.

love you all and stay safe,
-H x

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