Chapter 4

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i'm writing this while i am supposed to be doing course work. oops.

hope you all are enjoying the story so far!


Liam and Zayn walk into Louis' office pulling a guy with them. The guy looked scared for his life and was muttering prayers under his breath. Louis looks up when he hears the intrusion and narrows his eyes when he sees the man between Zayn and Liam. He sends Liam and Zayn a look and the push the guy into the chair that is sat in front of Louis' desk. Louis leans back in his chair studying the man. The man looks around the room, scared shitless, not making eye contact with anyone. His hands were sitting in his lap, shaking, and his entire body was sweating. Louis was observing all the man's nervous habits with a knowing smirk.

"I'm guessing you know why you are here?" Louis asks the man, eyeing him with harsh eyes.

"I promise I have the money I just need more ti-" 

"I already gave you enough time!" Louis bellows at the man, watching him cower back with hunched shoulders. "I gave you six months to get me the money the first time and you didn't have it, so I decided to be nice and give you another six months. I gave you a whole year and you still don't have the money. You should know what you are getting yourself into when you bargain with me!"

"Please just give me more time. One more month, then I promise I'll have the money." The man tried again, fearing for his life. He had heard how ruthless Louis could be and was scared to see what would happen.

"No." Louis deadpans before he pulls his gun out of its holster and shoots the man straight in the head. "Get rid of the body. I don't want my office to smell."

Zayn and Liam quickly pick up the body up out of the chair and give it off to a few capos standing outside of the room to dispose of it properly. 

" we need to clean up the blood, or are you still in a pissy mood?" Zayn jokingly asks. Louis sends him a glare before smiling and laughing at Zayn's attempt to lighten the mood.

"No, I'm good. Do me a favour, go to the man's house and collect some valuables and any money you find around. Also, send out a few capos to finish off some jobs and I need you two to go with them and report back to me." Louis says, dismissing Zayn and Liam out of his office.

Zayn and Liam leave Louis' office and enter the training room in the house where all the capos train during free time. They pick ten capos, five each, and get in the vans to go and collect their earnings and complete some jobs.


Louis was sitting at the head of the table in the meeting room when Zayn, Liam, and the capos all arrived back at the base. He had been waiting for awhile cause the jobs took longer and was hoping for a good explanation, because he couldn't deal with anymore shit today.

Zayn and Liam walk into the meeting room with a few capos behind them looking scared.

"Please take a seat. You better have a good excuse for taking so long to do some damn jobs that are very simple." Louis calmly says, even though he is fuming at them all.

"We were out collecting money from some of our customers and one of them gave us an address of where we can pick up the money from and a time. So, naturally, we went to check the address and it seems kind of suspicious so we thought we should bring it back to you and get your analysis on it." Liam says, while walking towards his chair on Louis' left and motioning the others to sit as well. 

"I see. Well, when are we supposed to go collect this money?" Louis asks. "I don't want to waste anymore of my time on fucking idiots." Louis mutters, already coming up with a plan if something were to go wrong.

Liam and Zayn told Louis the details of the meeting and he agreed that it did sound fishy. So, he decided that he would go along with Liam, Zayn, and some of their more higher ranking capos to the meetup. He and Zayn would meet with the person and Liam would hide out with the other capos until signaled to come out if something goes wrong. That night they got their guns prepared before heading off to bed. Louis dreaming of a good fight because he hasn't had one in awhile and is craving some action.


The next morning Louis is sitting in the passenger seat of one of their vans, with Liam driving and Zayn in the back getting the guns and capos ready for a fight just in case. 

"We almost there Liam? I am dying to see where this meeting will go." Louis says with a devilish smirk.

"We'll be there in a few minutes." Liam replies concentrating on the road and taking in all the surroundings and possible quick exits they could take if they had to leave quickly.

Louis just nods and takes his gun out of its holster. He checks his gun to make sure everything is good before heading to the back of the van to check up on Zayn and the other capos. He opens the door that separates the back of the van from the driver and passenger seat, and enters the room. He overlooks all the capos and then stands aside to talk to Zayn for a few minutes before he hears Liam calling his and Zayn's name saying that they have arrived.

Louis sends the capos and Liam inside to go to their hiding spots seeing as they have arrived earlier then the meeting time.

Once Liam and the capos have gotten into place, Louis and Zayn strut into the building keeping a lookout on all sides in case of any surprises. 

"Hello? Anyone here, or is this just another way for people to waste my time?" Louis snickers.

Louis heard a movement and yelled. "GET DOWN!"

All of a sudden cops started swarming the place and bullets were flying everywhere, but they didn't stand a chance. Louis takes out his gun and shoots four cops straight in the head. He shoots a different cop in the chest and another one in the foot. Zayn started protecting him while getting him to move outside of the building and still shooting some cops that were trying to get to them. Liam and the capos get out of their hiding places and start shooting the remaining cops giving them enough of a distraction for Zayn and Louis to exit the building. 

Zayn and Louis hop into the drivers and passenger seats of the van while Liam runs out with a few capos. The other capos are behind carrying some injured capos. 'Shit' Louis thinks. He should've realised sooner. This meeting place had the feds written all over it. He guesses his thirst for some blood and fun got to the best of him. They all drive back to the base in silence, except for the few moans and groans of the injured capos. Louis just wonders what's going to be next after the cops. An agency? Probably. They should prepare, because if the cops have caught on means the intelligence agencies have too.


hey guys it's me again. how are you guys liking the story so far?

this is a larry story but i was thinking of maybe adding another ship? if i did which ship would you want? niam? ziam? ziall?

anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! dont forget to vote and comment!

love you all,


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