Chapter 5

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back with another chapter. i hope you guys are enjoying this story. i am trying my best because this is my first fanfic.

anyway hope you all enjoy this chapter!

p.s. this chapter has an intense scene but there is no smut. just to warn you. 


Harry releases a sigh as he closes the door to his and Noah's house. He slides down the door to sit on the ground and take a breather. Today was a stressful day at work. Between running around the agency and trying to figure out more information on the infamous Louis Tomlinson with Niall, he was exhausted. He also had to stay later than normal so he and Niall could talk to the boss about some things they had found out during their research. 

He slowly gets up off the floor realising that Noah is probably pissed at him for being home this late, and also the fact that he couldn't tell him he would be late because he was too caught up in his work to text him.

He sighs slowly making his way towards the stairs to the upper level where their bedroom is. He stops when he hears a noise from behind him and slowly turns around to be face to face with Noah sitting in the living room, glaring at him.

"Hi baby, how are you? Did you eat yet?" Harry says, cautiously making his way towards where Noah is sitting. 

"I thought you were going to be home earlier? Do you not remember you owe me something?" Noah asks. Completely ignoring what Harry asked and standing up to walk towards him.

He takes hold of Harry's wrists and slowly backs him up into the wall.  He pushes his body up against Harry's so he is stuck between the wall and Noah. Harry is unable to move out from between the wall and Noah due to his grip on his wrists and the pressure of Noah pushing him against the wall.

"Noah please. I had a long day at work because we got a new case and it's one of the biggest ones. Please can we not do this tonight?" Harry pleads as Noah starts to kiss and suck at the column of Harry's throat, making dark bruises.

"But princess, you promised, and you never break a promise do you?" Noah breathes over the marks he's made on Harry's throat, making the latter shiver in response. 

Noah releases his tight hold on Harry's wrist to move his hand to his waist. As he is moving his hands he catches Harry off guard by attacking his lips. Harry gasps at the unexpected action and Noah takes that as his chance to shove his tongue into Harry's mouth and grips his waist with a steel grip.

Harry was so caught off guard that he started kissing Noah back, and giving into his demands while melting into his touch. Harry soon realised what Noah is doing and starts pushing against his chest to get him off of him. 

"Noah please. I promise we can do this another time and you can do what you want. Just not tonight please?" Harry mumbles against Noah's lips. Noah sighs and mumbles something under his breath before releasing his grip on Harry.

"You promise I can do anything next time? No stopping me?" Noah asks with a sadistic smirk.

Harry sighs, closing his eyes and leaning his head against the wall. He realises what he said and what Noah means by that. He slowly opens his eyes and says one word. 


Noah gives him a Cheshire grin before leaning in to peck his lips one last time, and making his way upstairs leaving Harry alone to think about what he has agreed to do. Harry finishes closing up the house before he makes his way upstairs and gets ready for bed as well.


The next morning Harry wakes up to a cold bed. He turns around and realises that Noah must have left very early in the morning. 

'He's probably mad at me. I mean I did promise him didn't I?'

'I need to make it up to him'

Harry thinks of possible ways he can make it up to Noah, but he isn't even sure why he feels like he needs to. He was tired he shouldn't have to do anything. Right? He is so confused with his thoughts that he just decides it would be best to get ready to go to work.

Harry goes downstairs to make breakfast for himself before he heads back upstairs and puts on his work clothes. He does his usual morning routine of brushing his teeth and taming his curls before he grabs his bag and heads towards the front door. Before he leaves he double checks he has everything and grabs his phone, car keys, and wallet off the entrance table before heading out the door and towards his work.


Harry walks into the building going through the security gate as always. When he is inside the agency he notices Niall hasn't come to greet him like usual. 

'It's probably cause he is already working on the case.' Harry thinks to himself.

Harry walks towards his and Niall's station, only to find the fake blonde reading over the case files and notes with his glasses almost falling off the bridge of his nose.

"Hey Nialler." Harry says as he sits down across from Niall. Niall looks up to make eye contact and quickly sends him a warm, welcoming smile.

"Hey Haz, ready to get down to it again?" Niall asks.

"Yep. We should also work on a plan to possibly lure them in if we can." Harry replies. He picks up a few notes and reads them over as Niall hums in agreement to his statement. 

They spend the next few hours going over old cases of the cops and other lower level agencies trying to capture the Red Devils, to see if they could find the flaws in their plans and modify them. 

They had devised that it would be best if they send an officer to deliver a letter asking them to kill a fake person. They think this would be best since most feds chose to do a drug deal which can usually be very fishy, even without cops. So, their idea is if they were to ask them to kill someone they wouldn't suspect much since no agencies or feds have tried that approach towards them yet. 

Harry and Niall write the letter before they send it off with one of their agents. Now, all they have to do, was just wait for an answer.


you know, i wasn't planning to write that scene it just kinda happened. don't kill me pls. also sorry for the short update. ):

hope you all are enjoying this story so far! thoughts?

don't forget to comment and vote.

hopefully the action will start picking up soon. do you guys like the pace of this story so far? or is it too slow? too fast?

love you all,


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