Chapter 23

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"Tsukiko! If you don't hurry you'll be late!!!" Tsukiko heard her mother call from the kitchen. 

She quickly finished tying two red bows in her hair and smiled at herself in the mirror. She wore a light blue shirt underneath her black overall dress. She wore knee-high white socks and grabbed her black shoes to put on once she left. 

"Coming mama!" her small voice echoed through the house. 

She ran down the hallway towards her mother, afraid to be later on her first day at her new kindergarten. 

"Well don't you look adorable!" Her mother squealed. 

Her mother wasn't much of a mother. Having a child didn't stop Aiko from her reckless, party-girl phase. She barely cared for Tsukiko, leaving her child to fend for herself or in the care of her parents. 

"What time does your school end kiddo?" Aiko asked. 

"2:30" Tsukiko responded pulling a stool to the counter and stood on it in order to start making her own breakfast. She poured herself a black coffee and made some toast. Her mother didn't really stop her from drinking coffee. She didn't stop her from anything really. The four-year-old could pull out a bottle of sake and her mother wouldn't say a word.

Aiko was 19 when she had Tsukiko, so she wasn't really ready for the responsibilities that came with being a mother. Not that she really cared to try. 

"2:30? Damn, that's not gonna work... I gotta guy coming over till like six before he has to head home to his fiance. He's engaged but when I tell you THIS MAN IS SOOO FINE!" Aiko started to rant about how scrumdidilyisious her date was before Tsukiko interrupted. 

"So what? Do you want me to go to grandma's house after school?" Tsukiko asked hopping off her stool. 

"Nah they're outta town... just find a nice park or something. I don't know. Go get ice cream. I don't really care just don't come home till like 6:30 ish okay!" Aiko smiled at her. She didn't speak harshly or unkindly. She just tended to forget that children should be treated differently. Aiko spoke to Tsukiko as if talking to a roommate or a best friend rather than her four- year old child. 

"Sure. whatever. But just keep it in YOUR ROOM this time. The kitchen is for cooking remember." 

Aiko laughed again before talking about how fun that was. Tsukiko did not remember the event as fondly... as her mother forgot to inform her that guests would be coming over.... so she walked into the kitchen.... she was three at the time. 

Today Tsukiko was going to attend a new school. Her last school had some... complications. She ended up being asked to not return the following year... BUT THAT'S  A STORY FOR ANOTHER DAY!

"HAVE FUN! DON'T DO ANY I WOULD DO!" Aiko cheered before placing a kiss on tsukiko's nose and sending her out the door. 

You can do this. Tsukiko nodded to herself.

"Bye, mama. I'll see you tonight." She put on her shoes and started off towards her new school. 

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