Chapter 1

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Over the years I had grown accustomed to pain, but this was agony. Without my magic to heal me, I was slowly dying.

The humans decided that a quick death would be far too painless for a creature such as myself. So they decided a slow painful death was more fitting for my crimes.

I don't know whether my crime was killing my attackers or simply existing. Either crime in the eyes of the humans was inexcusable. My arms were chained above my head on a wooden pole. Blood flowed down my arms as the enchanted cuffs blocking my magic dug into my wrists.

"How are you doing today, fair Selene?" Tobio smirked. With his father gone, Tobio was now the leader of the village. I was the one who murdered his father, and yet it seems I grieved the leader's death more than his own son.

"Such a pity that a beauty such as my Selene must be such a vermin." He said to himself as he caressed my cheek. Tobio was a cruel man who had some infatuation with me before finding out I was a witch. He's not the first to be charmed by my looks, but he was the most possessive. He didn't love me, but he made it his mission to own me. He asked me to marry him, but I refused. He didn't take too kindly to that.

"I am not the vermin here, you monster." I proclaimed with as much passion as my exhausted throat would allow. He lifted his hand and smacked me across the face so hard my ear began ringing. "I didn't give you permission to speak witch." He spat.

He grabbed my jaw tightly and lifted my head so that I was looking at him. His eyes held some sadistic delight as he looked at my powerless state. His hold on my jaw tightened and he dipped his head down to place his lips on mine.

The kiss was possessive and harsh. I tried to pull away but one of his hands was gripping my hair holding me in place. His lips against mine made me want to vomit. I wanted to kill him. I did the only thing I  could to escape his repulsive kiss.

I bit his lip, hard. He pulled back shrieking in pain. I smiled as I noticed the blood dripping from his mouth.

"YOU-" Tobio was cut off by another man running up to him in a panic. "SIR! We just received word from our neighboring townsmen. Their village is destroyed, he was the sole survivor." The man gasped for air. "What has caused such destruction?" Tobio asked with wide eyes.

"He says a demon, known as the curse king Sukuna, he marches this way on his path o destruction! An almighty being with four arms. He comes for us next, my lord!" The messenger shrieks in horror.

I laughed. Both men looked at me, "May this angel of death give you the punishment you all deserve. I hope this kind destroys every last one of you." My smile held a bloodthirsty edge. The messenger looked horrified as if I was the demon they were speaking of. Tobio on the other hand looked angered. "You happen to be a resident of this village, if we die... so do you." Tobio spat as if that would change my mind.

"So be it. I will die a thousand deaths just to watch you burn once." It was the truth. I wanted to watch this demon kill them all. I wanted to be last. So that I could bask in their screams.

"What does he want from us? What can we give in order for him to spare us?" Tobio asked the messenger, the fear in his voice evident. "He craves nothing but destruction. I fear we are all doomed."

I smiled at that. Their riches cannot save them. Nothing can deter the avenging angel that marches to destroy them. And oh how I long to see it.

I watch as the hope in Tobio dies. He can feel the looming icy hand of death latching onto him, just as he grabbed me moments ago. I watched the fear crept up his spine as he realized the gates of hell were in his sights.

Tobio, you are going to die... and I will be here to see it.

So march on King of Curses. I await your arrival. May the four hands of the horsemen give these humans what they deserve. Burn it all down.

I can't wait...


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