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I refuse to die tonight.

The trees flew by me in a blur. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew is that if I stopped I was good as dead. Even if I had a destination in mind, it was too dark to distinguish any directions or landmarks. The only light being from the full moon and the torches that hunted me.

My bare feet thundered against the ground as I ran as fast as I could. I ignored every sharp rock and branch as I raced through the forest.

I had to run faster. If they caught me again I was done for. I couldn't hide for long, my white hair and the markings covering my face and body made me easily recognizable.

"Find the witch!" I heard them not far behind me. Humans. Gross, fragile creatures. They managed to catch me once. These damn enchanted cuffs blocked any and all of my magic. Oh, by the way, I'm a witch. Witches are the children of a Curse and a human. My mother was a very powerful curse and my father was human. We are very rare and very feared.

The human's killed my father and mother for their "sins". After all, a human and a curse could never be. They were killed the night I was born, they didn't even have the chance to name me. My grandmother, my father's mom, had hidden me away. She had told the village that I was stillborn. They accepted the word of the trusted old lady and I was allowed to grow in secret.

My grandmother named me Selene, after the Greek moon Goddess. She told me that my white hair and golden eyes reminded her of the goddess. "Just like you, my little moonbeam, powerful and beautiful yet isolated." At the time I didn't really understand what she meant.

When I turned seven, my grandmother sent me to live with another witch. Her name was Freya. She was beautiful and taught me everything I know about magic and spells. I loved her like a mother. But like everything for me, my peace didn't last.

Freya had gotten sick when I was 14. I remember the day she died. I wept as she whispered her final words to me, "Us witches, we are just like the moon... So lonely, so full of imperfections. But like the moon, we will shine in times of darkness." She smiled at me, with a radiance I knew so well. "Please, Freya, don't leave me... I don't want to be alone again." My voice shook as I grasped her hand. "Don't worry, my dear Selene... One day, you will find your equal... Your sun. And He or she will light up your world. And you will never be alone again. Just be strong until the dawn my lovely goddess. And you will be isolated no more."

Her smile didn't fade, even though she did.

Once again I was alone, traveling around trying to find a haven where I would be safe.

I thought I had found sanctuary in a small village, but they quickly discovered what I was. The leader of the village invited me to a meal. "You are partially human and for that, we wish to make you feel welcome." They had said. I should have known. Humans always lie.

I killed my attackers and escaped, but I was still trapped by these cuffs. My magic was just out of my reach and unfortunately, the humans were gaining on me.

I will live. For my parents, for my grandmother, for Freya. I will not die. Not yet.

My lungs burned as I struggled to take in enough air. My legs felt as though they would collapse at any moment. My feet were bleeding leaving an unfortunate trail for the humans to follow.

One man, in particular, was faster than the others, he was only a few yards behind me as I ran. For once in my life, the night was not my friend. In the darkness, I failed to see the root in front of me. Really? Did even the trees wish for my death?

I fell but before I could recover the man caught me. My blood-stained hands tried to pry off his vice grip but it was no use. Without my magic I was defenseless. "No escaping now you abomination." The human spat in my face. He grabbed me by the hair as he dragged my screaming form back to the village.

The mob surrounded me, screaming profanities as I was dragged to a wooden post and chained. I held my head up high, just like the goddess my loved ones wanted me to be. I smiled just as Freya did before death. Powerful and isolated.

Looking back on it, I am thankful they caught me. I am thankful for those vile humans who betrayed me. Because if they hadn't, I would never have met him.

I would never have found my Sun. 

The Sun and The Moon (Sukuna X OC)Where stories live. Discover now