Chapter 30

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Red eyes seem to be haunting me where ever I go now. I am no longer just plagued by the tattooed man in my sleep but all the time. I feel it in my bones, he's real. 

I stared at the Sakura trees that brought on more thoughts of the red-eyed man. 

'My prize'

I spun around to find no one there. What in hell's bells is happening to me. Maybe I am going crazy after all. Every night I see more and more of him, his blurry features are beginning to unblur and I don't know what that means. Maybe I'm dissociating. Maybe I'm too far gone and my fantasy world is growing more detailed. 

But a small part of me, a very small voice whispered in the back of my mind, "or maybe you aren't crazy at all... maybe he is real.


Maybe I am going crazy. But is anyone really surprised?


I mean have you seen my parents? One is dead and one is Aiko. 


And besides, I do see monsters that no one else seems to see. Maybe I'm schizo. 


I finally recognized that Yuji was calling me as he began shaking my shoulders. 

"Jeez welcome back to earth. I've been trying to call you, Tsuki-chan!" 

The name felt odd to me. Tsukiko Inumaki, it's the name I've had all my life and yet... Recently it sounds wrong. I've been having trouble answering to it. 

It's my name but... I don't know how to explain it. It doesn't fit me, doesn't seem right. It doesn't feel like my name. It's an utterly ridiculous notion. Of course, it's my name! Maybe I really am going mad. 

"Sorry, Yuji. Whatcha got there?" I asked looking at the box in his hand. It had weird energy to it but I ignored it.

"Oh, I found it! It looks are creepy and spooky so I thought our senpais would like it." Yuji responded before curling his free hand around mine. "Let's go Tsuki-chan! Can't be late for club!" 

I smiled at him, letting him drag me along as we made our way to the club room. 

I didn't listen to most of what they were saying, something about the president being a fish or something. I leaned my back against Yuji's side as I doodled. I drew the man with four arms, the man with endless tattoos, the man with red eyes. Most of the details were left out. Every time I tried to randomly draw a feature to complete the sketch, I would erase it immediately knowing it was wrong. 

I got startled when the student body president slammed open the door. "OCCULT CLUB!"

I jumped and Yuji chuckled putting an arm around me, "Hey plankton president! What's up!"

I only barely listened after that, they talked but it didn't seem that important. I finally tuned back in when I heard the president proclaim, "The main problem is YOU! Itadori Yuji!"

I scowled at the president now paying attention, "What problem could you possibly have with Yuji." I said in a low calm growl. 

The temperature of the room dropped a few degrees and yet The president began to sweat, "NO NO Nothing like that Miss Inumaki! It's j-just you see, Itadori is signed up for the Track and Field club! So you don't meet the four-person requirement to be a club. I-I don't have a problem I-I SWEAR!" 

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