Reason to Doubt

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Somehow, she had managed to sleep. (F/n) owed it to exhaustion from everything the previous day. From expecting Kaleb to come over to having dinner with Anita and him to finding out that the mannequin was alive and named Leonard or Lee for short. Even though she had fallen asleep, she expected all of those happenings were also the cause of the headache she woke up with. Not to mention her sore back and bottom.

It had been rough getting up in the morning. Besides the various aches, her mind rapidly went from peacefully getting up to oh sh*t none of that had been a nightmare. Obviously, that didn't help the slight pain in her head, which was why she brewed herself a large mug of coffee, about two cups worth. She didn't even bother with the creamer that morning. To top off her rude wake-up call, she remembered who happened to be in the kitchen with her and that Anita wasn't home yet.

Her head had turned slowly towards the mannequin only to find him leaning against the counter and watching her. Almost, she had spit out her coffee, but she managed to keep it in and walk out of the kitchen speedily. It was too early to deal with him. In fact, every morning would be, yet that was her new reality. She definitely liked it better when she thought the mannequin as just a mannequin.

Thankfully, Anita had come home shortly after, and she didn't have to worry about Lee trying anything. Anita's arrival, though, had its own set of problems for the day. She was happy to have her friend back, but she had to act like the mannequin wasn't alive and hadn't told her that Anita was going to betray her. At least, there was her annoyance at Kaleb to keep her mind somewhat occupied from the obvious fact that Anita and Scarlett were cooking around a living mannequin.

Needless to say, service was a struggle, and she was thankful that she didn't have to make too many trips into the kitchen during it. Luckily, none of the customers picked up on her wondering and worried mind. Or, they were too polite to say anything, so she was going to check the reviews tomorrow and see if anything new was added or anything about her behavior was discussed. Most likely, she was over thinking things, but it was hard not to when a mannequin had proven to be alive the night before.

Unlike the customers, Anita noticed her friend's distracted look hidden behind polite smiles and words. Something was off. She didn't know if it was because of Kaleb, something else or a combination of the two. So after service and the rest of the staff had left, Anita sat down at their usual table. (F/n) had a glass of white wine, and she had her warm whiskey. It was quiet at first between them, but Anita eventually spoke up. "What's up?" Anita watched as (f/n) looked like she had broken out of a daze. "And, don't tell me that you don't know what I'm talking about. You've been acting weird all day."

"Tired." (F/n) took a sip of her wine. Lee was in the kitchen, and she suspected that he might be able to hear them.

"Did you have a nightmare again?"

If only. Unfortunately, her nightmares were now her reality. "No, but I just couldn't sleep too well. And, I woke up with a headache."

"Did you drink after Kaleb and I left?" Anita raised a brow and smirked. "Have an exciting party without me?" If Anita considered a mannequin leaving a note and making threats to keep quiet an exciting party, then yes. Otherwise, the truth was far from that.

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