Focus to Escape

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Out of all the outfits, (f/n) selected the one that revealed the least amount of skin. She didn't want to show off anything to Tristan and give him any ideas. In fact, she was tempted to make a sticker that read Anita made me wear this. That way, he'd get the hint that she wasn't trying to impress him. Then again, he might take that another way somehow and interpret it as her simply being funny. If only a punch to the face would be funny and considered polite to him. Happily, she'd give him that. And if Kaleb could be included, all the better.

Unfortunately, she'd have to hold off on such actions towards Kaleb and Tristan. She couldn't give them a reason to suspect anything. But, she still wished to wear jeans; however, she'd go along with Anita's desire to pick out her outfits for the time being since that was the norm. Breaking it would cause Anita to get suspicious or get her to be demanding on Tristan becoming her boyfriend. Nearly, (f/n) gagged at the thought.

Thankfully, Anita already had left, so she hadn't seen the expression forming on her face. A frown was there presently on (f/n)'s lips, and her arms were crossed. In front of her, the outfit was on the bed. This whole thing really was making her curse her past self for her decisions on clothes. But, she did like to dress up and show off every now and then, just not in this situation.

Hearing creaking behind her, she peered over her left shoulder. In the past, she would've jumped and spun around quickly, but she told herself that she trusted him. She could be more herself around him now than Anita. Lee stepped up beside her and looked over the outfit. It consisted of light blue denim shorts, a brown belt, grey v-neck and a black cardigan. There also was a pair of black ankle boots by the bed. A note was passed to her. Will you be alright?

"I have to be. I won't be comfortable, though." She huffed. "I'd rather not show off my legs around that creep."

And, changing your outfit won't work, right? Anita will wonder if something is up since you've always gone along with her behavior. She nodded and sighed deeply, clearly distressed over the matter. Well, you do have a cardigan, so you can hold that close.

"I know, but that doesn't make me feel any better about this." He knew that too, and she was in a rough, horrible spot. Lee placed his right hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. She didn't remove his hand. "I either go through with this or have Anita and Kaleb come up with another idea to remove me from the café." A shiver went up her spine. "How do I string them along and not have him try to get closer? I really don't even want to hold his hand."

Admittedly, he didn't care for the idea himself, but the other route held a lot of uncertainties. Still, he didn't want her to put herself into a situation that would make her too vulnerable. She was his partner in this now, and he carried a personal connection to her. He couldn't deny that he wanted to look out for her the best way that he could. If you become too uncomfortable, tell him off. We'll have to be more cautious about what to expect from Anita and Kaleb.

Glancing to him, she looked surprised. "But then ..." A note was handed to her before she could finish.

I know what that'll mean, but I don't want you to find yourself in a dangerous situation either. You're already in one, but I don't want it to become even more so. His hand moved from her shoulder to her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I've dealt with situations like this before. If things become more difficult, we adjust, and you can rely on me.

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