Evening to Morning

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Not too long after, Anita was gone. Her time was up, and she already heard the creaking sound coming closer. Even if she knew the source, it still was very creepy. For all she knew, he might turn on her all of a sudden and attack her. Hopefully, that didn't happen, but she definitely wasn't completely relaxed. Rather, she was tense, and she knew that her locked door wouldn't serve her any purpose other than to delay his entrance.

(F/n) watched the handle wiggle before she heard knocking. He wasn't going to lock pick it? When she didn't get up from her spot at her desk, the doorknob continued to move back and forth. Lee probably would go on her laptop again unless he already had explored it to his satisfaction. After she had purchased him the outfit, she hadn't done anything other than work on finances for the café, but she had managed to move some of her files that she didn't necessarily need on her laptop onto her flash drive, which she kept in her pants' pockets for the moment. Nothing interesting would he learn there unless he was going to try and ruin Anita and her financially. Thankfully, he so far didn't seem to want to take such an avenue.

She would've spent more time looking into what she could dig up on him, but he hadn't exactly left a trail behind other than the outfit. Of course, she could look into the building's history, but Anita and she already had done that before they had purchased the property. Nothing new would pop up there, especially since the town didn't keep property records. Otherwise, Anita and she would've looked at those too before buying the building. Then, they might've avoided Lee.

When the doorknob jiggled again and the knocking got louder, she reluctantly stood up from her seat and went over to her door. "I'm coming," she finally grumbled. Unlocking and opening it slowly, she kept her face away from the opening door and stood behind it partially for cover. Lee came into the room and peered around the wood. His gaze met her slightly worried one before it went over to her laptop. "Maybe, you already heard, but I ordered your outfit for you."

A nod came from him in response before he headed over to her desk like she never had been sitting there. She stayed by the door and left it open. "So, are you going to search more on it?" Another nod came from him, but his eyes glanced over to her bathroom, and he pointed. "... You want me to go in there?"

Soon enough, a note flew her way. I'm asking if you're going in. You usually get a shower or bath after Anita leaves. Noting the concerned and angry expression forming on her face, he flew another note towards her. We already made a deal that I wouldn't go in there when you're taking a shower or bath. Don't worry about that.

"You'll still be on the other side of the door," she mumbled in obvious displeasure. "But, you're also just trying to get me away so that I don't watch what you're doing on my laptop." She crossed her arms and frowned before she noted that he was rocking back and forth a little, almost like he was laughing. "That's funny to you?"

Yes. I'll admit that it'll be easier to navigate your laptop without you leaning over my shoulder or hanging around me and possibly trying to intervene. But, you can't intervene unless you want me to interfere with you. As she read, she heard his plastic fingers tapping against the wood of her desk.

Certainly, it was unnerving, and a chill traveled up her spine. But even then, it might actually be more useful to have you around so that I know what each of these symbols mean and what functions they hold instead of having to click on them and make guesses like the other evening. She looked up from the note for a moment and saw him still rocking back and forth a little bit before she focused back on the message. It also might be amusing to watch your reactions as I look through your erased history. Now that I have an outfit ordered, thank you for that by the way, I realized that it'd be best to do that.

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