Dash to Reassure

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Time spent at The Iron Clipper was dismal. (F/n) recalled when she had been in the bar with just Anita. Those times seemed far away. Now, she sat with an unwanted arm around her waist and conversation that sounded too fake to her ears. At least when she looked over to the bar a couple of times, she saw Scott, and he gave her a small, reassuring smile. The others didn't notice thankfully, and knowing that she had someone she could rely on in the bar relieved her a little, but she still couldn't wait to run back to the café and tell Lee what she had recorded at the hotel.

Part of her didn't even want to eat any of the ordered food on the table. She enjoyed Lee's cooking or even him just heating up leftovers from Scarlett's cooking. (F/n) would much rather be on a picnic date in the backyard with Lee than at the bar with three current people. But, she ate some of the fries and one of the sliders.

Personally, she could care less about what they were talking about at the table, but she eventually had to listen when she was pulled into the discussion. It was as if Anita knew she was rubbing salt in the wound since Anita wanted to talk about new ideas for boosting the café's popularity even more. Goodness, it was tempting to pour Anita's drink on her head.

Somehow, she managed to seem excited about some of the ideas while others she did give her genuine input on even if it didn't matter. Soon, Café Rose Tea wouldn't be a part of her life anymore. That dream was gone, but she had a replacement, which kept her going. Not to mention that she had a friend to support her truly, and he was even more than that now. A small smile touched her lips.

"I knew that you'd like the idea!" Anita responded, grinning, before she took a sip of her whiskey and ginger ale. Snapping out of her thoughts, (f/n) hummed along and remembered that Anita had been suggesting getting Tristan's ideas on how to dress up the shop for special events to draw in more customers and create stunning pictures online for the café. Well too bad for him, he wasn't ever going to get the chance to do that. "See Tristan," Anita giggled, "I knew that you should've suggested it to her."

"She might be agreeing because you're the one who told her about it," he responded, a small and joking smile on his lips. His light blue optics looked over to (f/n), and she gave him a roll of the eyes and a brief smile.

"That seals it!" Anita giggled. "She does want your help." She winked over to Kaleb. "Now, we just need to convince her of letting you help around the café."

"Good luck with that one, Anita," Kaleb answered, laughing lightly. Anita grinned in response and gave the expression that she'd accept the challenge. The conversation continued to focus on decorating the café, and (f/n) occasionally would throw a point in. Much to her relief, they had finished the food and their beverages.

Annoyingly, Anita was trying to persuade everyone to get another drink, but (f/n) stepped in that time. "I should get going. I haven't worked today, and I should at least check the company's social media to see how things are going, not to mention the usual financial checks."

"Oh come on, (f/n)!" Anita pleaded and pouted. "You can wait a day on that."

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