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It was the day the Pandavas were leaving for Varnavrath. Kunti Mata was bidding her goodbyes to everyone. The Pandavas were taking their blessings from the King, Bhishma, Vidur, Queen Gandhari, Shakuni, and other elders. None of the Kauravas came to send them off. But Karna was there. After all, he liked Kunti so much. And knowingly he cannot let anything wrong happen to her. Veda was just watching everything that was happening. She thought they won't be telling their goodbyes. Because she wasn't their family member. She's is just a commoner whose mother works for the Queen. But she was wrong, after meeting Karna she headed straight to Veda and stood in front of her. Without delaying a second Veda fell on Kunti's feet and took her blessings. Kunti smiled and blessed her. "I wish I could take you with me," said Kunti cupping her face. Pandavas were standing behind her and watching them with a smile. "Just give me two minutes I'll pack my things and come with you. I'm pretty fast at such stuff," said Veda (I want to come with you. I know you will all be safe but....still)
Kunti and others chuckled and said. "I know my child that you are fast. But it's only been few days that you came back to your parents. I don't want you to be apart from them again because of me". Veda just lowered her eyes. She was upset. "It's better if we don't take her with us Mata. Or else she will eat away everybody's food and still be hungry before time," said Nakul to lighten up her mood. She gave a death glare and he kept quiet. This was an amusing scene. "Food is the most important thing in our lives," said Veda proudly. Bheem was very proud of his Student. She said bye to Sahadev, Nakul, Bheem, Yudhishtira and Kunti.
(Please be safe)
(Krishna, help them.)
She gave Karna a quick look. Sadness was clearly visible on his face. But she thought of leaving him alone for a moment.
She had not much work left to do, so she thought of joining Karna. Karna as usual was in the practicing area. (He got a Kingdom to rule. Why does he always stay with his BESTIE.)
"Hi!" said Veda jumping out from his back. Karna looked at her and said, "Hey".
"So...What you doing?" said Veda.
"Practicing," said Karna dragging his bowstring to hit the target.
"What are you doing here? " asked Karna.
"I was looking for you. Actually, I want to talk to you. Are you free now?" said Veda
Karna hit a bullseye and looked at her hopeful eyes. And nodded as a yes.
"Great! Let's go out then" said Veda enthusiastically.
Karna chuckled and said, "Who do you think I am. I'm Angraj Karna. I cannot roam outside whenever I want." He took another arrow and aimed at his target again. Veda stepped in front of him and said, "If Angraj Karna cannot come, then can I take my friend Suraj with me?".
Karna looked at her for a while and said, "5 mins".
Veda smiled and nodded at him.
Karna went and came back soon and both went towards the forest.
"How long do you want to take me, Veda?"
"Just a few more steps and we will reach our destination."
"Are you trying to kidnap me?"
Veda turned around with a surprised face and said, "How did you know 😳?"
Karna looked at her in disbelief.
"Why are you so dramatic?".

"Even you think I'm dramatic? The other day when I and Yuvraj were in the forest. He also said the same."

"You were in the forest with Yudhishtira? Did I tell you not to go out with strangers right? Why did you go with him?!!?"

"It's a long story but...wait he's not a stranger. He is my friend's brother."

Karna stopped at her statement.
"Arjun?" his voice was damn cold.
Veda turnaround and nodded.

Karna sighs heavily and turns around to leave.
"Wait! Where are you going? The place is another side. Karna Stop!"
He didn't listen to her.
She immediately ran to him and caught his hand. He smacked her hand rudely.
(Shit!!! Am I making things worse?)
She went in front of him. She looked at him. He looked sad, angry, disappointed... But why?
She immediately hugged him tightly.
He stopped. She tightened her grip around his neck and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Sorry."
He was frozen at his place. He was not expecting a hug from her right now.
"I know you are hurt. But... I didn't....I..I'm sorry."
She slowly released him after feeling him calming down.
She looked straight into his eyes. There was no expression on his face. He's not angry anymore. He's not hurt.
"Are you fine now?"

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