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Meera stayed up all night figuring out how to stop them.
The dusk turned into dawn. Papers were scattered all across the table. Meera made an investigation board. Red threads all hanging across the board.
Over night she read around a million articles about time and the consequences of breaking it's laws.
She asked, more like, ordered everyone not to disturb her, not even Karna.
But he was too worried about her so he entered the room and found a couple thousand paperworks piled up on the table and Meera sitting on the chair, with a messy, speed reading the same file again and again,
"Hey(softly) ... I think you should take it easy" said Karna.
He came close to her. Took away the file she was reading and slightly bent down to her level.
He gently held her hand and caressed it. Tears already filled her eyes.
"I know how you are feeling. But it's not your fault." said Karna.
"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have messed with time so bad" said Meera with a broken voice.
"Hey...look at me." He took her cheeks in his arms.
"I'm alive. I am here with you right now. And if you hadn't brought me here then I would never have met my son. I am very grateful to this life. The life which you gave me. And I know things might get better or get worse. But all we have is now. And if there anything that we can do right now... is to stay together. For good and for bad. Okay? "
She held both of his hands, which were resting on her cheeks and slightly nodded.

She took a deep breath and looked back at the table.

" Let me help you. What were you doing by the way? "

" Few myths about time hunters that I found on the Internet. And others are all just stories. Nothing feels real. And its all messed up. I couldn't find any lead."

"Okay, so if you didn't find any lead yet then let's start from where this all started. One by one explain me everything you did last night. Just a glimpse of everything you read."

"Okay...So everything started on the day I was practicing in the field. Then I suddenly blacked out and by the time I came back to senses I was already in Hastinapur.
But I wasn't hunt by the hunters back then." said Meera.
"Maybe it's because you were actually supposed to be there.? Veda?" asked Karna.
"Maybe. I don't know. Then I opened the portal again when I brought you to this timeline. And then they seem to appear all of a sudden. Just like that" said Meera sarcastically.
"So they are here because of me and Gautam.
Well I don't understand one thing.
I came here only months ago.
But Gautam was here for almost 20+ years. Why do you think they didn't try to hurt him before?"

Meera missed this logic until Karna asked this question.
He has a point.
She immediately searched for a file which she found after few seconds.
" You remember when we went to uncle's house for asking about Gautam.
He said Vrushali was holding Gautam and was running in the heavy rain.
Why would she carry her baby and run in the middle of the road that too during the heavy downpour?"

She immediately surfed through the net regarding some supernatural events occuring around 20 years ago and she was right.
"There was one incident where a couple of skeleton-like structures found in the shiva temple flying around. That's where she used to live.
But after that there weren't found anywhere.
She paused for a second and said, "Maybe Vrushali found a way. She knew about the hunters. She stopped them! That's why none of them chased Gautam before he met us.".

"So that's a lead right?"

"Yes it is!!!!!! Ah... I love you so much" she pecked him and went to Sharma jis house.
Meanwhile karna just stood there and whispered, "I love you too" and smiled to himself.

She reached the Sharma house and asked the couple if they still have any belongings of Vrushali.

Luckily, the couple did keep her belongings safely. They preserved every single thing that belonged to her. Firstly, they made sure Gautam wasn't around. Karna took Gautam to the field for practice.

"Gautam let's start."

Meera searched all her stuff. She found Vrushali's Sari which faintly stored her scent. Her belongings made Meera emotional. She was like a sister to her. In the world full of unknowns it was only her who backed her up and covered for her mischief. But Meera wasn't there on Vrushali's side, especially the time when she needed her the most.
And the only was she can make up to her was by keeping her husband and her son safe.
She kept all the unwanted thoughts aside. She found her ring, her mangal sutra, and a stone. The stone was half broken. Out of all the things that were in the box this stone was an odd one out.
She picked up the stone and ran into her research den.
She ran a few tests on the stone. The stone was red in color. It looked as if it had a vibrant glow once but now it has lost all it's charms.
"Maybe it has another piece."

Karna is a very strict teacher. He gave Gautam a really tough time training.
Every square inch of Gautam's shirt in drenched in sweat. His breathe is heavy. One could actually hear his heartbeat from a distance.

Gautam fell on the ground for the 63rd time in a row.
"Your moves are too predictable. Find a new move!"

Gautam, with heavy breathing, stood up and ran towards Karna screaming louder. He tried to throw a punch on Karna's face. This time Karna dodged Gautam's attacks without even looking at him.
And then thud!!
Gautam falls on the ground again.

" How many times do I need to tell you??? DONOT REPEAT YOUR MOVES!!!! Can't you seriously not understand the situation right now. Last time you got it lucky but this time any silly mistake of yours can get you killed.!"

Gautam was sitting on the ground staring at the grass.
He was breathing heavily with his mouth.
This type of training was new to him.
Even Karna realised what he said earlier.
He got drawn by his emotions.
Karna mentally slapped himself.
Feeling guilty for all the things he said, Karna moved towards him and gently pat his head in a apologetic way.
"Hey... (softly) I'm sorry I got driven by my emotions and I forgot that this is all your first time. I... I reall-"

"You shouldn't be the one apologising. I'm not improving myself. I am being all useless to you. I'm sorry."
Said Gautam in a breaking voice.
Gautam lifted his head up to see Karna. His beautiful handsome face was covered with bruises and blood. And when Karna's eyes met Gautam's red teary eyes, he knew, he went too far.
Karna cursed himself under his breathe.
"I'm sorry that I am being a loser. But can you give me another chance to prove myself please.?"
said Gautam in a painful tone.
Though Karna's heart was forcing him to go easy on him, the challenging look in his son's eyes is equally stopping that urge.
Karna went back to his position. Gautam cleared his mind, took a deep breath and with full strength he ran towards Karna, he misled Karna by faking a punch on his face and landed a solid punch under the ribs.
Karna was caught off guard...
He backed off a few steps, coughing and seeing another opening Gautam hit Karna's chin, which landed Karna straight on the ground leaving Gautam as the winner.
Karna and Gautam both shared a grin and headed back to home.

"That was a solid punch" said Karna adjusting his jaw.
Gautam, who was semi carried by Karna, chuckled at his complaining teacher.
"Don't tell Meera that I punched you in your face.
She will definitely kill me if she knows I tried to ruin her handsome husband's face."
Karna nodded and laughed at the statement.
Both reached home, Gautam got his first aid and Karna made some herbal tonic which helps in gaining the strength faster.
They clinked their glasses.
Both sipped their tonic at the same time.

" This tastes rotten. " said Gautam with a pure poker face.

" I know right " said Karna with almost same expression.

"Guys..." Meera entered the room and said,
"I think I know how to stop them"

To be continued...
#Ref to chapter 22
#The night of heavy rain

Karna's QueenWhere stories live. Discover now