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It was the day Duryodhan planned to burn them alive. Karna tried to talk to him but he couldn't do it. Tension was clearly visible on his face. Veda noticed his anxiety while they were all having their lunch. She somehow guessed that today was the night. (Maybe I should help them. Rajkumar Bheem, I hope you have figured out my hint.)

She desperately waited for the right time. At evening. When she, her mother, and her father sat for dinner, Veda asked her father about Varnavrath. She even asked him if he knows the direction to that place. She mentally drew a map.

After getting all the required information she needs she faked a yawn. She gave her mother a peck on her cheek and hugged his father and wished them good night. One thing was clear. Renuka and Devaiah were those parents whom she has pictured in her imaginary world back in her time. Or maybe much better and loving. She even felt jealous of 'her' sometimes.

She went to her room and waited for her parents to sleep.
She quickly ran towards the Wax house in Varnavrath. She lost her way a couple of times but still managed to reach there on time.
She recognized the palace because she heard a story from her grandmother that the whole palace had no candles as the walls were highly flammable.

(What now should I wait until the Palace is set on fire? Well, what else can I do I can't even make major changes. I don't how everybody's life will change because of this. No, I can't do this.
Let's just wait)

After waiting for some time she saw few people closing the doors from outside and setting the house on fire.
It was hard for her to control herself.
That's it. She can't do this anymore.
She barged into one of the doors and quickly started digging a tunnel. Her fingernails were scratched but still, she didn't stop. Soon she completed digging the tunnel and came out.
She collapsed near the tree her hands were bleeding. Though she used some tools for help that didn't stop her from hurting her pretty fingers.
She was exhausted. One of the best things about being a speedster is she can recover faster than normal people but still, it would take a few hours to recover from her injuries. She saw the whole palace collapse in front of her house.
Soon she saw Bheesma going towards the Palace. He picked his Bow and shot an arrow in the air. It rained. ( That was...Awesome!!)

But he wasn't the only person who came that night.
She noticed another silhouette in the dark. It was him. Karna.
(My words did affect him) she smiled forgetting her pain for a moment.
After a couple of hours, she ran back to her house. She didn't lose her way though.

The next day she didn't go anywhere. She only stayed in her room. She was tired. At this rate how will she even go back to her real-life...
Her parents were worried about her condition. They were sadder after listening to the news of the Pandavas and Mata Kunti's death.
They both left her for a while.
Veda knew that they were alright but still, she was sad because all this happened right in front of her eyes and even after having superpowers she couldn't do anything. She just stood there and watched the palace burning in front of her.
She wanted to cry but she couldn't.
She did everything she has to do to distract herself from those thoughts.
After that day. She didn't go to Palace much often.
She went to her dad's workshop. Helped him in his works. Tried to expand her father's business. She made a separate section for making crafts. She employed all the women in her area who needed a job to support their families. She even encouraged people to support girlchild's education. And told that education is must to every individual who is leaving in the society. At first, no one has supported her thoughts except her parents. The support they showed meant everything to her. The impact was big. Soon she helped her father to open various other branches and expanded the level to a greater height. She taught young kids how to draw, how to paint, music, and a couple of self-defense techniques.
Her achievement was remarkable and was even appreciated by the King and the Queen.
She was happy to see this progress but deep down she was sad as she missed the Pandavas and Mata Kunti. In their absence, she took care of Nakul's horses, made sure all the books of Yudhishtira and Sahadev are neatly organized. She missed Bheem's company while eating. And every single time she sees the Feather it reminded her of Arjun. And every time she looked at Karna she remembered Mata Kunti.
She was happy to know that Karna actually came to Varnavrath that night. But he didn't stop it from happening. She knows he did nothing wrong. But still....he could have.....
*sigh* Nevermind.
She used to smile at him whenever they ran into each other and nothing else.
Karna noticed her sudden behavior change and wanted to talk to her about it.
"Veda, why don't we go out for a while?"
She simply nodded.
They reached their spot.
"Tell me," said Karna.
She was confused.
"Last time we were here I told you about everything honestly. Now, I want you to tell me everything about you."
"I'm not forcing you, Veda. You can talk to me anytime you want. OK?"

"No Karna. It's just I'm worried about.."


She looked at him and said, "Everyone".

Karna kept quiet and signaled her to continue.

"Ever since that incident happened I don't know why my heart is hurting. We all were fine a few days back. And now look what has happened. I still don't understand why all these things happen to them only?". said Veda frustratingly.

"Every time I go to the library I think of Sahadev and Yudhishtira, *sadly chuckles* Bheem comes to my mind whenever I eat food. Nakul, whenever I see horses. The way he adores his horse *she smiles remembering those memories when Nakul acted like a protective boyfriend when she tried to touch his horse*. My mother reminds me of Mata Kunti And Arjun... he.... *she closed her eyes tightly few drops of tears streamed down her face. But she was too stubborn to cry*...I miss them all Karna.*looking into his eyes* I miss them". She was upset not just because she missed them. But also, she felt homesick. She is now scared if she can ever go back or not. She wants everything to be normal. But now things can never be normal. She hugged him back.
Karna was worried about her state. She held so many frustrations inside her. He even blamed himself for not being able to stop his friend from killing them. But he cannot change the past. "Everything is going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine. Shh"
He gently placed his hand on her shoulder and held her till she felt better.

She thanked Karna for being a great support to her. And said, "By the way, I am thinking of visiting my grandparent's house in Dwaraka. So we won't be able to see each other for a while. And meanwhile, take good care of yourself and I know there are many judgemental people around you so don't get hurt if someone insults you based on your caste, it only means they are not worthy enough to know your value and probably it's the only thing they think they can criticize you on. Because you are too perfect. OK? "

He chuckled, "That was random but still I will consider it. Thank you Veda and you too take care of yourself," said Karna.

She nodded and went into her house.

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