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"BOYFRIEND??!!!!?!" she screamed😱

Meera's grandmother smacked Gautam's head and said, "She's already confused idiot don't tease her now!!"

"hehe sorry grandma" 😅

"Meera! How come do you not recognise your childhood friend. You guys literally grew up together!"

She sighed in relief after knowing he's not her boyfriend but she doesn't remember seeing him before.

Is this because of my time travel? She thought.

" Meera do you seriously not remember me? " asked Gautam.
" I'm sorry I don't remember you"
Her polite behavior towards him confirmed that she doesn't know him.

Her parents shared a worried look with each other, which didn't go unnoticed by Meera.
"Mom, Dad. Did I-Did I create a new timeline?"

That's the thing their parents worried about. And meera said it out loud.

"You mean a Flashpoint?" said Gautam.
Gautam took everyone to the study room. The room looked different from what she remembers.
Gautam drew a straight line on the board and explained his theory.
"This straight line is the time before Meera time travelled."

He drew another line on the previous line which got deviated in the middle.

"This is the timeline she created due to her time travel."
"And this point which caused the deviation is the Flashpoint."
Meera was rather impressed.
His explanation really made sense.

So he's a science guy too.

After 3 full hours of surgery, Sharma ji and her grandfather came out.

Meera rushed to him and asked, "Uncle is he OK? Did the surgery go well."

"Don't worry meera he is fine. He lost lots of blood but looking at his body it is easy to say that he is a tough man. He will open his eyes soon. But...the injury was at the neck so I don't think he can talk for a while. And it might hurt him physically for a while as well. "

Meera was kind of relieved. But still she was worried. She knows she has a lot to explain him but at the same time she doesn't know how to start.

She went inside and and sat next to him.
After 2 hours Karna gained his consciousness.
He looked at the surroundings everything seemed blurr for a while he saw few lights shining on the roof, he found himself covered in a soft blanket the scent in the room was kind of familiar. He tried to move but groaned in pain.
Meera, who was sleeping next to him holding his arm woke up.
"Hey hey easy" said Meera to calm him down .
Looking at her Karna relaxed a bit, but he was superbly confused. He tried to talk but he could barely move his lips.
"This is going to hurt you for a while. You went through a surgery and the arrow stuck you hard so... you might not talk for some time." said Meera silently.
Karna had so many questions running in his head. The place looked different he saw 'things' that he has never seen before. He was wearing an oxygen mask. The monitors were beeping next to him. The cylinders. The bed was different too.
"Don't worry I think now we have enough time to talk about everything. Just have some patience and do not worry I'm here with you ok? Just trust me we will be fine" she said a softly kissed his forehead.
Karna blinked his eyes as a response.
"Meanwhile, we should work on communicating with each other" she chuckled and said "Love you"
"I will get my uncle. I will be back in seconds"
She ran to Sharmaji and told him Karna was awake.
She brought him with her in few seconds.
"Sweetie please warn me next time you do this to me."

Karna's QueenWhere stories live. Discover now