15- A New Name

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At around 3:30ish in the morning of the new year, Emmet had a realization while lying on the floor.

"I've never seen your Wolf form."

His words caused everyone to look at me for a second before Jasper said, "I don't think any of us have."

Emmet gasped from the floor dramatically before saying, "You haven't even shown your true love, your wolf form yet? How can you live with yourself?"

"I don't like my wolf form," I whispered, looking over a Jasper.

"I won't make you phase and show us," Jasper told me genuinely.

"I will." Emmet stood up from the floor and made his way over to me. "Come on, let's go outside, and you can show us."

As Emmet reached me, Jasper's arms tightened around my waist. "Emmet," he said in an aggressive voice.

"I wouldn't test Jasper," Edward said from across the room, not looking up from his phone. "He's thinking some very terrible thoughts about you."

"But Emma, your wolf form is so lovely," Alice said. We all looked over at her to see her sitting upside down on the couch.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Oh my gosh!" Edward yelled, throwing his phone. "You look adorable in your wolf form!"

"What?!" Emmet whined. "You showed them and not me?"

"I did not show anybody," I told Emmet with a frown on my face.

"Not yet," Alice said, smirking.

"Oh, please, can we see you phase?" Edward begged, getting up from the floor.

"Don't pressure her boys," Carlisle warned, coming into the room. "She'll show us when she's ready."

I looked over at Carlisle as he walked in the room and realized I didn't know why I was holding back. The Cullen's knew everything else about me and still wanted to adopt me. Surely they wouldn't make fun of my wolf form as others had.

"We would never do that, Emma," Edward said, reading my thoughts.

"Okay," I said, giving into Emmet's pleading.

"Yay!" Emmet yelled, jumping in excitement. "Let's go outside."

"There's no need," Alice told him. "She can phase right here."

"Alice," Esme said in a threatening voice, "this idea doesn't involve the room being destroyed, right?"

"Don't worry, Esme," I told her as I got out of Jasper's grasp. "I'm not nearly big enough to break anything."

"Fascinating," Carlisle mumbled on instinct. He seemed to realize he said that out loud and said, "Sorry."

"Don't be." I got off the couch and went to the center of the living room.

I look at Jasper before he said, "Only do this if you're okay with it. Please don't do it because Emmet won't shut up. I can make him shut up."

I laughed at his words before saying, "I'm okay with this."

He nodded at my words as Emmet sat excitedly next to him on the couch.

"Okay," I told everyone. "Just try not to freak out too much, okay?"

I got a variety of okays from the family. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and phased. It had been a while since I had last phased into my wolf form, but I loved the feeling of being a wolf. I heard everyone in the family gasp as I opened my eyes and looked up at them.

"She's literally a dog!" Emmet screamed without thinking.

"Emmet!" Rosalie yelled at him in anger, trying to make him stop.

"Oh my gosh, she's adorable." Edward's words made me inwardly smile.

The reason Emmet was freaking out so much was my wolf form is incredibly small. So much so that I look more like a dog than a regular hybrid wolf. In wolf form, I was about the size of a labrador dog, and my fur was a dark brown color.

I looked up at Jasper, hoping he would say something about how I looked. He seemed to read my mind because he said, "Emma, you're so cute! You're literally a puppy!"

I barked in joy at his words, which caused the whole family to smile.

"I love her," Emmet said, getting off the couch and coming over to me. "You need a dog name," he told me as he sat next to me on the floor. He started to pet me before deciding on, "Lucky, I'll call you Lucky."

"Emmet," Rosalie sighed. "Her name is still Emma."

I looked at Edward before thinking. I don't mind.

"She doesn't mind," Edward translated for me.

"Yay! I have a pet dog now!" Emmet pet me even more before suddenly running out of the room in search of something.

As I watched him run, I felt someone else kneel beside me. I looked to see Jasper putting his hand out to pet me. I leaned into his touch as Emmet came running back into the room.

"Lucky," Emmet said, getting my attention. He held up a tennis ball in his hands that all my attention immediately went to. He threw the ball up in the air, and I immediately tried to catch it in midair. As soon as I did, I ran straight to Emmet and dropped the ball at his feet, hoping he would throw it again.

"She likes it," Edward said to Emmet making both boys smile wide.

"Come on," Emmet said, running out into the backyard.

I followed right behind him without a second thought. He threw the ball with all his might into the forest behind the house and I chased after it just as fast. It felt freeing to chase after the ball, and I found it quickly before turning around and running back to Emmet.

When I got there, I saw the whole family in the backyard, and Emmet and Jasper were arguing loudly.

"Emmet, you can't just throw a ball into the woods for her to chase and hope she comes back," Jasper yelled at him.

"She's fine, Jasper. She's smart enough not to get hurt," Emmet replied.

"She doesn't know these woods. She could get lost!"

"Jasper, I didn't throw it that far; she'll be fine."

I stopped their arguing by placing the ball at Jasper's feet before hitting his leg with my paw. He looked down at me in relief before picking me up and holding me.

"I was so worried about you, Emma," Jasper told me.

Edward, can you tell Jasper I'm fine, please.

"Jasper, she says she is fine," Edward told him.

"I told you," Emmet said.

As soon as Jasper set me down, Emmet picked up the ball and threw it again. I chased after that ball and brought it back. Emmet and I did this for the next while before I passed out from exhaustion in the backyard.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin