28- Splitting Up

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Our family sprung into action, preparing for the worst. A few ran off to Bella's house to make sure they got home safely, while others stayed back and made a plan to get her to safety.

I followed Jasper upstairs to our room so I could pack a bag to take with me wherever I ended up going. As I started putting clothes in a duffel bag, I heard Jasper sigh dramatically.

"What is it, Jasper?" I asked him while I folded clothes.

"You shouldn't be a part of this problem." His words were harsh and aggressive, but I remained calm.

"I know," I told him, "but we're taking precautions. It's fine."

"No, you shouldn't be in this mess in the first place!" Jasper exclaimed.

I paused what I was doing and looked up to see him run a hand through his hair in stress. I could tell he was overwhelmed with emotions, so I started asking him questions to get him to focus and calm down. "Who are you mad at right now? Me for being in the field, Bella for being in the field, Edward for bringing Bella, or James?"

"I don't know," he said, looking up at me.

"Okay, then why are you so worked up?" I asked, trying a different angle.

"I'm just upset that you're in danger."

I smiled slightly at his concern as I set down the clothes I had in my hand. I made my way over to him and wrapped him in a hug. I felt his arms wrap around me as I placed my head on his shoulder. "I'm not in danger, Jazz. I'm just ready to help Bella get out of danger. We're going to be okay."

I felt him run his hand through my hair as he tried to focus. "I don't want you getting hurt," he told me honestly.

"And I won't," I replied. "We just gotta help Edward and Bella right now."

"I know."

"Now, let me finish putting clothes in that bag." Before I finished the sentence, I felt Jasper super-speed around the room then end up back by my side with my bag fully packed. "Why couldn't you have done that earlier?" I asked him.

He smiled sheepishly as he grabbed my hand. "I just wanted to spend more time alone."

I smiled back at him and pulled him closer. "I love you, Jazz."

"I love you too, Emm."

I felt his lips meet mine, a smile etched on both of our faces as we enjoyed a moment together before everything descended into chaos.

As we pulled apart, Jasper looked at me before saying, "Bella's here."

The two of us made our way to the garage, where everyone was preparing a plan to get Bella away from James.

"This is gonna be interesting," Emmet said as he grabbed random weapons from around the room.

"I've fought our kind before," Jasper said as he started helping out. "We're hard to kill."

"But not impossible," Noah added.

"I don't relish in the idea of killing," Carlisle said. "Even someone as sadistic as James."

"It'll be worth it," I told him.

As everyone gathered random things, the planning began.

"I need to run her as far away as possible while you guys distract James," Edward told the group.

"That will never work," Alice told him.

"She's right," Carlisle said. "James will know you won't leave Bella alone. Therefore you can't go together. She needs to go somewhere while we pretend to hide her somewhere else."

"Noah and I will take her to Arizona; it should deter him," Alice said.

"Can you handle that?" Edward asked, not liking the idea.

I can come too if that eases your mind, Edward.

"I like that plan," Edward replied out loud. "Emma is going with you. And try and keep your thoughts to yourself, Alice."

"Wait, what?" Jasper asked, looking straight at me.

"I'll be fine, Jasper," I said, walking up to him. "Go help Edward fake out James."

"I am not wearing that!"

Both Jasper and I turned to see Rosalie glaring at Edward, who was holding one of Bella's jackets in his hand.

"We need James to follow her scent, so if you wear her jacket, he'll think you're her," Edward told her.

"What is she to me?" Rosalie asked angrily.

"Rosalie, that's enough," Carlisle said angrily. "She is with Edward, which means she is one of us, and we will protect her."

"Fine," she said, roughly grabbing the jacket from Edward and putting it on.

I looked back to Jasper as I picked up my duffle bag from the floor. "You go get James, and then I'll be back before you know it," I told him.

"I don't like this plan," he told me.

"You were fine with it upstairs. You even helped me pack my bag."

"I was fine with it when I thought I was going with you."

"It'll be fine."

"Promise?" he asked me.

"Promise," I told him.

I made my way over to the black car Alice was currently getting into. I got in the back seat with Bella as Noah got in the driver's seat.

"You'll be safe with them," Edward told Bella through the car window. "Just do what Alice tells you to, and everything will be fine."

"Have some faith, Edward. Your plan is going to work," I told him with a smile.

"I'll see you soon," Bella told him as he walked toward Emmet's Jeep.

Everyone started piling into cars, preparing to lead James east while we drove south.

"Be safe," Jasper called out as he got into the Jeep.

"You too," I called back.

I watched the car pull out of the garage as we all sat in silence- waiting.

Alice sat still with her eyes closed for a few minutes before saying, "He followed them. We're clear."

And with that, Noah put the car into drive and began our long journey to Arizona.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now