44- Volterra, Italy

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Carlisle got everything together, and before I knew it, I was on a plane to Volterra, Italy, where Alice was going to meet me with a car to save Edward while the rest of the family was going to go get Jasper in Forks. While Sam didn't love the idea of me going alone, he understood it was something I had to do, and he let me go.

After a very long and anxiety-filled flight, I landed and found Alice already waiting with a car. The second I got in the car, she was speeding down the road toward Edward.

"What has he been doing?" I asked Alice as I buckled my seat.

"They're both okay so far," she told me. "Jasper made it to Sam's house, effectively breaking the treaty, but Sam explained everything, and Edward just walked into a meeting with the Volturi."

I looked out the window as the scenery sped by when I felt her hand gently touch my arm. "I know this isn't the time, but you should know we're all really sorry."

I pulled my arm away from her as I said, "You're right, Alice, this isn't the time. Right now, I just want to save Edward and go see Jasper."

She gasped, causing me to look over at her anyways. "They declined him," she said.

"What does that mean?"

"He's going to stand under the sun at noon and make them kill him."

I looked down at the dashboard clock to see we had 5 minutes to stop him as Alice drove deep into the city.

One minute ticked by before we were stopped by a large crowd of people wearing red cloaks.

"You have to run," Alice said, reaching over and unbuckling me. "If I go, he'll think I'm lying and do it quicker."

"Where am I going?" I opened the door and got ready to run.

"Straight ahead, the clock tower!"

I stepped out of the car and took off toward the clock tower as fast as I could. I wasn't used to not having a wolf running speed, and I wished more than anything that I had phased to get to him quicker.

Please, if you hear me, don't do something stupid. I'm alive!

I ran around people as fast as I could, pushing a few people over in the process. I was screaming in my head for him to stop, but I doubted he was listening.

Finally, I saw him standing under the clock tower with his eyes shut and his shirt off. He was on the edge of shadows, and with one step, his skin would sparkle in the sunlight and expose vampires to hundreds of people in the stupidest and most dramatic fashion.

I picked up my speed and pushed myself harder than I thought possible. I screamed in my head, open your eyes! If he heard me, he ignored me.

He started to take a step forward, his face lighting up in the sun, as I was finally within a few feet of him. I ran straight into him, forcing him backward while saying, "You stupid idiot."

He wrapped his arms around me and opened his eyes in surprise. He looked straight down at me as his eyes widened. "Emma?"

"I can't believe you tried just to do that." I pulled away from him as I spoke.

"Emma?" He repeated. "Alice said you died."

"She was wrong; she didn't see the whole situation," I told him. "And if you would have answered your phone, you would know that."

He nodded slightly before realization dawned on him. "Where's Jasper?"

"He's waiting at home for us," Alice said, walking through the door I had just pushed Edward through. "Now, let's leave."

"Wait." A new voice called out, stopping us from leaving.

I turned to see a petite blonde girl in a sweeping black cape-cloak-thing walking close to us. Her vibrant red eyes caught my attention, but I tried not to freak out.

"Jane, great to see you again," Edward said as he stepped in front of me.

"Aro sent me to get you. He wants to speak." Her voice was quiet, but I could tell she was someone not to mess with.

Edward made a move to argue, but Alice stopped him, saying, "Then let's not keep him waiting."

The three of us silently followed the strange girl down hallways and elevators until we reached a massive ballroom with multiple vampires looking at us. The three standing opposite of us in the middle looked terrifying, but they looked precisely like the painting Carlisle had in his office, meaning this was Aro, Caius, and Marcus: the infamous Volturi.

We stopped in the middle of the room as Jane walked next to Marcus and another mysterious-looking boy.

"Ah, Edward hasn't gone through with it after all. I love a happy ending." Aro's words were quiet, but I knew everyone else could hear him loudly. He also dramatically threw his arms around as he spoke, adding to his overall insane look. He stuck his left hand out to Edward, saying, "let's have a look."

Edward walked forward, put his hand in Aro's, and stood silently for a moment. Then he said, "And now you know everything."

"So she's the wolf hybrid," Aro said, turning his attention to me. At his words, everyone in the room also turned to me and glared at me. While that would typically have intimidated me, I was focused on Jasper waiting at home, so I didn't have time to dwell on it. "But why can't I smell her?"

"We don't know. She's different than the others we know," Edward told him, walking back toward me.

"We must do something," Caius said aggressively.

"Are you saying you'll kill me?" I asked incredulously.

"You think we would let you go?" Marcus asked me, leaning forward in his chair.

Edward and Alice moved to stand in front of me, but I stepped forward, ready to fight. "If you so much as touch a hair on my head, you'll have an entire pack of wolves at your door ready to rip your heads from your bodies."

There were multiple gasps from around the room at my words, but I did not back down.

Neither did Aro. "Is that a threat?" He asked me.

"No," I told him. "It's a promise."

I felt Edward grab my arm and pull me back. He sidestepped in front of me, blocking my view of Aro.

I don't need your help.

"I like her," Aro said, looking at Caius and Marco. "I would like to see her future."

"I agree," Marco replied. "You have a spark, young hybrid."

"Thank you," I replied.

"Then let's get on with this. They're about to be back with dinner." Caius's words were cause for concern, but I didn't dwell on them long.

"I suggest you three leave now," Aro said. "I doubt young Emma here would like to see what's about to happen."

Edward nodded once, gripped my arm tighter, and led me out of the room. The three of us walked down more hallways and elevators before Edward finally said, "You okay?"

"Let's just get home."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now