95- How is This Possible?

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The first morning waking up in my new house with my husband and child should have been wonderful, but of course, it wasn't. I woke up with Jasper and immediately felt like I was going to throw up again.

I rushed to the bathroom, dropped to my knees, and threw up once again. Jasper was beside me the whole time, trying to calm me down.

I leaned into his touch and sat down on the floor next to him. "Are you okay?" He asked me gently, still trying to calm me down.

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I don't know why I'm so sick."

"We need to go talk to Carlisle," he told me, wrapping his arms around me. "Are you okay to stand up?"

"I think so."

The two of us got up off the floor and made our way out of the house with Seth. We told him we were going to the house because I felt sick, and Seth demanded he come with us.

The three of us made our way into the family's house only to be greeted by a very confused Carlisle. "What do you mean you feel sick?" He asked me as he opened the front door. Edward or Alice probably had warned him ahead of time.

"She threw up again, but this time she didn't eat anything weird beforehand that could have caused it," Jasper told him, leading Seth and me into the house.

Carlisle tried his best to help me figure out what was happening, but I felt fine again. After a series of normal tests, he couldn't figure out what was wrong. We decided it would be best to just stay at the house for a few days so Carlisle could watch over me and make sure I was okay.

Alice was stressed out the whole time because she felt responsible for not knowing what was happening, but she was struggling to see visions with Seth in the house. Jasper decided to send Seth to Sam's house to talk to Leah in an attempt to help Alice. It worked out well since Seth was thinking of doing that anyway to check on his sister.

"I'm sorry," Alice said once Seth left the house. "I should be watching things like this more closely."

"Alice, we had no way of knowing we needed to worry about this." Noah pulled Alice closer to him on the couch, trying to calm her down. I reached out with Jasper's powers, helping him out.

"I should have known," she complained. "That's my entire job!"

"Your job is to be a part of this family," Carlisle told her.

"We're not just keeping you around because we like your power," Edward told her. "We hope you stay because we like you as a person."

"Allie, just relax, please." Noah was distraught that Alice was upset, and he didn't know how to fix it.

"I don't want to let you guys down," she mumbled, leaning into Noah for comfort.

"Alice, you could never let us down," Emmet told her.

"You've done more than we could ever ask for," I said.

"Why don't we do something else to take your mind off of it," Jasper suggested. "Your visions usually come when you're not ready for them."

"Video games?" Emmet suggested, hopeful he could get her to play.

Alice conceded, and soon Noah, Alice, Emmet, and Rosalie played a new video game Emmet had gotten while the rest of us watched. We had nothing better to do, and it was an interesting sight to see. Alice kept using her abilities to win, which reminded us all why we never let her play, and Emmet kept yelling about her cheating.

It was all fun and games until Alice dropped the remote and started freaking out. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!"

"No way?! What?" Edward yelled, focusing intently on her.

"Oh my gosh!" Alice yelled, standing up quickly.

"What is happening?" I asked, scared of how both of them were reacting.

"But how?" Edward asked.

"I don't know, but oh my gosh!" She yelled back.

"What is happening?" Jasper repeated, not understanding what the two had so worked up.

"Emma's pregnant!" Alice yelled, turning to look at me.


Everyone's eyes were on Alice and Edward, hoping someone would elaborate more on the seemingly impossible idea.

Alice decided to explain her vision. "I can see the baby, not clearly, but I can see them. You're pregnant with Jasper's child, for sure."

It felt like no one moved for an eternity. I blocked Edward out of my mind as I used his power to see Alice's vision. I could see Jasper and me happy with a young kid who looked blurry. Seth was with us, and we were all safe.

I pulled myself out of her vision, discarded Edward's power, and turned to look at Jasper. He had gone rigid, his eyes wide and focused on Alice, trying to process what she said.

"Jazz?" I could hear my voice break as I spoke, not fully believing she was right.

I think Jasper could tell I was freaking out as much as he was, and he snapped out of his daze to comfort me. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. I melted into his touch, waiting for him to say something.

"I love you," he mumbled into my shoulder. "And whatever happens, I'll be right by your side."

I pulled back slightly, wanting to look at Jasper as I spoke. "Jasper, we're having a kid."

"We're having a kid," he repeated a ghost of a smile on his face.

"You're having a kid!" Alice yelled, unable to contain her excitement a second longer. We both looked over at her, calming down with how excited she was.

"How is this possible?" Rosalie asked, looking over at Carlisle.

"I have no idea," Carlisle responded.

I decided to voice my thoughts on the idea. "I mean, nothing about me has made sense for a while; this must have something to do with my wolf half and vampire half mixing."

"We're having a kid." Jasper was still coming to terms with what was happening, and rightfully so.

It should have been impossible for this to happen, but it was happening anyway. I was going to have a kid. Seth was going to have a sister. Our family continued to get larger every day.

"Can you see when it happens, Alice?" Carlisle asked, trying to get as much information as he could.

"Early October," she answered. "So like a month and a half."

"That's really fast," Esme said, suddenly really concerned.

"The baby is like, part wolf, vampire, and maybe human. It's going to grow fast," Alice said, looking through her visions to understand as much as she could.

I realized Jasper hadn't spoken in a minute, so I turned to him. "You okay?" I asked him quietly.

"We're having a kid," he told me. "Like an actual kid. Not Seth, a kid."

"Yeah, you okay with that?"

His eyes finally met mine as a smile broke out on his face. "I couldn't be happier, Emma."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now