31- Overwhelmed

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And just like that, prom was upon us. Alice was running around the house trying to help everyone get ready while simultaneously not letting us see each other. This meant Alice had locked me in Rosalie's room with the two of them to get ready.

"I don't understand why you are making such a big deal about this, Alice," I said as she put the finishing touches on my hair. "Haven't you guys gone to plenty of proms?"

"We have," Alice told me, "but this one is your first prom, so it's important."

My brain paused when she spoke. "First prom," I mumbled to myself, thinking over that phrase.

"Emma," Rosalie said, half getting my attention. "What's wrong?"

I looked at her reflection in the mirror, not saying anything as my brain processed what Alice said. A first prom meant that I would go to other proms.

There was a pounding on the door. "Alice, what did you do to Emma? I can feel her emotions from downstairs, and Edward said he thinks you broke her!" Jasper yelled through the door.

Both Rosalie and Alice froze, looking at me in confusion before Jasper pounded on the door again. "Open this door, or I will break it down."

Those words got Rosalie to stand up from the couch she was sitting on to let Jasper in. As soon as she opened the door, he rushed to my side and kneeled in front of me. "Emma, what's wrong?" When I didn't answer, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "What did you do to her?"

"All I did was tell her it's her first prom with us, and she freaked out." Alice's words finally snapped me out of my daze.

"I'm sorry," I told him, as I slightly pulled back to look at his face.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he said, looking at me with wide eyes. "But, what's wrong?"

"My first prom?" My words came out as more of a question.

"Well, yeah," he told me. "Don't you stop aging if you continue phasing?"

"I guess, but I've never really put much thought into that idea or what would happen after high school," I told him honestly.

"Okay, well, you're a part of this family now, so after high school, you'll come with us wherever we go. And we'll go to class together and have plenty more proms in the future. Unless you don't want that, and then we won't make you go. If you want we can go somewhere else. We could travel the world and see anything you want to see and do anything you want to do.
We could,"

"Jazz," I said, interrupting his rambling.

"I just want you to be okay," he told me, looking straight into my eyes.

"I am okay," I told him while I grabbed his hands in mine. "I just freaked out for a moment. It's a lot to take it sometimes."

He smiled slightly at my words. "Hey, you're a werewolf living in a house of vampires. I think you deserve a moment to freak out every now and then."

I smiled at his words before pulling him in for a hug. "Thank you," I told him.

"I'll always help you, Em." He pulled away from my embrace slightly to kiss me briefly. "I'll be here for you forever."

"And always."

As we pulled apart, Jasper looked at my hair and dress for the first time. "You look lovely, darling," he told me, his Texan accent coming through strong suddenly.

I heard Alice scoff behind me. "She would have looked perfect if I had a few more minutes with her hair before you saw her."

"Alice," Jasper said in a warning tone of voice.

"It's okay, Jazz," I told him before turning around to look at Alice. "I'm sorry for ruining your vision, Alice, but you did a lovely job. Thank you for helping me get ready."

"Of course," she told me before running over to hug me.

"How about we go downstairs and take photos," Rosalie suggested.

"Yes!" Alice yelled, zooming out of the room without tripping in her heels.

I followed after her with the Hale siblings trailing. As all three of us descended the staircase, I saw the rest of the family waiting in the living room with smiles.

"You look stunning, Lucky," Emmet said, making me laugh.

"Emmet, it's weird when you call her that, and she's not in wolf form," Noah told him.

"It's okay, I don't mind," I told the two boys. "Thank you, Emmet."

I turned my attention to Esme and Carlisle, who both looked at me with wide smiles. "Everything okay?" Carlisle asked me.

"Yeah," I replied, a smile wide on my face.

Alice started gathering everyone together before handing a camera to Esme to take photos. We all posed together while Esme took photos of us as a group, as individuals, and as couples.

"Wait," Esme said suddenly, grabbing Carlisle and dragging him over toward our group. "Alice, take the camera."

Alice took the camera from Esme as she grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of her and Carlisle. As both put their arms around me, I smiled to myself. Alice took a photo of the three of us together before setting the camera down on a table.

"Okay, one last photo altogether," Alice told the group, forcing us all together one last time. She set the timer up before running over and standing next to Noah. "Smile."

With one last camera flash, our photoshoot was over. We all made our way outside and separated into three cars. Edward drove off to pick up Bella while the rest of us split up. Jasper and I got in his car while the other four piled into Rosalie's.

As we pulled out of the driveway, Jasper grabbed my hand in his. "You good?" He asked me.

"I'm good."



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