76- Ruined by Harsh Realities

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Laurent gripped my arm tightly as he rushed through the forest. It took me a second to realize what was happening, but I tried to fight back as soon as I did.

He turned to face me as he ran, and his blood-red eyes met mine. In one swift movement, he moved his mouth down to my hand. I felt a prick of pain, but I figured he ripped the ring off my finger and didn't think about it for more than a moment.

In an act of desperation to get away from him, I phased in his hold. He had to let go of me as I scratched his arms with my paws. He froze for a moment as I heard someone running from behind us.

Laurent took off running, and I chased after him, not pausing for a second. I could hear leaves crunching behind me, and I hoped it was Jasper following me and not a stranger trying to corner me.

I pushed on faster than I had ever run, wanting to make Laurent suffer for ruining my perfect moment with Jasper. He turned suddenly, making me falter in step as I attempted to catch him. I felt a pain in my left paw and figured I landed on a branch weird. It would heal before I knew it.

In my falter, Jasper caught up to me, and we both chased after Laurent as fast as we could. It wasn't until Laurent suddenly screamed that I realized someone else was helping us.

Jasper and I caught up to Laurent as I saw Edward and Emmet pinning him down to the ground. Noah and Carlisle rushed up just as we reached them and joined Emmet and Edward.

"Why are you here?" Jasper demanded from the vampire on the ground.

"You turned against your own kind to protect a human and a stupid mutt!" Laurent tried to fight off our family as he spoke, but the four boys were much stronger.

"You helped us years ago do just that!" Carlisle responded, staring straight into Laurent's face.

I could feel the pain in my paw again, now that we had stopped running. It was probably a splinter, seeing as it still hurt.

"Why are you here?" Jasper repeated, getting angrier by the second, just as the pain in my paw started creeping up my arm.

"You killed them both, and you didn't even care," Laurent told Jasper, staring him down. "All to save a stupid mutt. I figured I could repay the favor."

The pain reached my chest, but I controlled how I was feeling. Whatever was happening could be dealt with later.

"You didn't get Emma," Emmet told him. "We have you, not the other way around."

That's when my legs collapsed from under me. I dropped to the ground in my wolf form as the pain became too much for me to handle.

Jasper dropped to the ground next to me as Laurent laughed at me. "Oh, yeah," Laurent casually mentioned. "I did manage to bite her, though."

Emmet pulled his head off his body in anger, ending his life, but everyone's attention turned to me as the pain reached new levels.

Jasper had gathered me in his arms and sat me on his lap as I whimpered in pain. "I need you to phase back," he told me gently.

I focused on Jasper as I tried to phase back. It took me a moment, but I could still do it. The pain doubled the second I did.

"Jazz," I whimpered, feeling as if my body was on fire.

"I'm right here," he told me, looking down at me. His once golden eyes were dark brown, and his face was scrunched up in a frown.

I could feel someone next to me gently grabbing my arm, but I didn't turn to look.

"It's spread too far," Carlisle said. He was probably the one next to me. "It's not like what happened to Bella. I can't suck the venom out." Somehow everything could be related back to the brown-headed girl who ruined my life.

The pain had spread over my whole body, and I could feel tears streaming down my face. "Jazz," I whimpered once again.

"I'm right here," he told me, pulling me closer. "Forever and always, alright. But I need you to fight this."

"It hurts." My voice wasn't louder than a whisper, but it was all I could manage.

"I know, Puppy. And I need you to fight it." His face was completely blocking my view of the sky, but I didn't care. "I need you to live, okay? You can't leave me yet. We have a wedding to plan and a life to live together."

The edges of my visions were starting to fade to black as the pain reached new levels. I could hear cries coming from my mouth, no matter how hard I tried to suppress them.

"I love you," I told him, looking up at the boy I loved.

"I love you too," he replied, his eyes never leaving mine.

My vision slowly closed in until all I could see were Jasper's eyes looking back at mine. His mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear him over the ringing sound in my ears. And then I saw and heard nothing. All I felt was the pain that burned my body.

Vampire venom should kill a wolf, but with any sense of consciousness I had, I tried I fight against it. In the dark void of pain, I focused on my wolf, and I focused on Jasper. I could feel him by my side, and I didn't want to let him down. My wolf didn't want to hurt Jasper, so I relied on her as I tried to get through the pain.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now