57- Injuries

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I didn't even wait for the wolves to come back and explain what happened; all I wanted was to go home. I was sick and tired of everything going wrong, and I just wanted life to go back to the way it was before Bella. I knew this wasn't all her fault, but life was so much easier then.

Our family ran home as soon as we realized Victoria had gotten away. There was nothing we could do now but wait until she attacked again. My immediate concern was the cut on Jasper's arm, which was looking worse by the minute.

"Can you fix it?" I asked Carlisle as we walked into his office. I sat with Jasper on the couch in the room as Carlisle started going through drawers looking for something.

"Yes," he responded, setting things from the drawers on the table in front of us. "It's like an infection. I can stop the infection, but the scar will probably be there forever."

I wrapped my left arm around Jasper, and he held his forearm in pain. "It's going to be okay," I told him quietly, trying to reassure him.

Carlisle got everything he needed out and kneeled in front of Jasper. He looked him in the eye and said, "This is going to hurt, but it needs to be done. I need you to be as still as possible." As he spoke, he moved Jasper's right hand away from his left arm.

I took his right hand in mine, trying to help. "Just squeeze my hand," I told him. "It'll help."

Jasper looked over at me, pain clear on his face. "I'll hurt you," he told me, barely above a whisper. His voice broke from the pain he felt, and he was still thinking about me.

I held his hand tighter and told him, "I'll heal."

Carlisle started working on Jasper's left arm, and Jasper tightened his whole body in pain. I positioned myself sideways as Carlisle continued to work, letting Jasper lean his head on my shoulder. I tried getting him in a comfortable position as Carlisle worked. We sat there for what felt like an eternity as Carlisle diligently worked on Jasper's arm. The entire time, Jasper gripped my hand as tightly as he could. I could feel the bones in my hand break, but I knew my fast healing would heal them within a day, so I wasn't worried. All I cared about was Jasper's quiet gasps and cries of pain.

When Carlisle finally finished, Jasper relaxed slightly, leaning completely into me. Carlisle wrapped up Jasper's arm and said, "Alright, we're all done. It'll still hurt for a while, but you'll be okay."

As Carlisle spoke, I pulled Jasper closer to me, trying to calm him down. He wrapped both his arms around me and pushed his head farther into my neck. He was taking calming breaths, trying to relax. I gently ran my left hand through his hair in a calming manner as Carlisle moved in front of me.

Without saying anything, I lifted my right hand up to Carlisle and let him work silently on my hand. After about 10 minutes, he had everything set the right way and wrapped up. I said a quiet "Thank you" before turning my full attention back to Jasper.

"Come on," I told Jasper gently. I slowly got him to stand up with me from the uncomfortable couch. With his arms wrapped around me, I slowly led him to our room. Once we got there, I moved us over to the bed, and the two of us laid down together.

I shifted the two of us in a way that we weren't laying on either of our injuries but were still wrapped in each other's arms. He laid his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat, something I knew calmed him down. I started running my hand through his hair, hoping to help him calm down even more.

"Are you okay?" I asked him quietly.

"Yes," he whispered back.



I pulled him closer, wanting to help him. "Does it hurt?"

"Yes." His voice sounded so broken. If he were human, I know tears would be streaming down his face.

"How can I help?" I asked him, wishing I could take the pain away.

He looked up at me. "Please stay."

"Always," I told him, holding him tight.

At some point in the night, despite my best efforts, I fell asleep. After the day we had had, it was kind of inevitable. When I woke up the next morning, Jasper was still wrapped in my arms. His eyes were closed, and he was peacefully breathing. I would have said he was asleep, but I knew he was just trying to relax.

As soon as I lifted my hand and ran it through his hair again, he opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Good morning," I whispered.

"Morning," he replied.

"How's your arm?"

"It still hurts, but it feels a lot better than last night."


He shifted slightly and rubbed my right arm with his uninjured hand. "How is your hand feeling?"

"It kinda feels numb right now, but that's how it usually feels when my enhanced healing happens, so I know I'll be fine soon."

"Thank you for staying the night with me."

"I'll always be here for you, Jasper. Forever and always."

"Promise?" he asked me.


A knock on our door interrupted our conversation. We both looked over to see Esme standing in the doorway. "Sorry for interrupting, but Carlisle wants to check on the two of you in his office now that you're awake. I'm also going to start making breakfast for when you're done."

"Thank you, Esme," I said, giving her a small smile.

As she left the room, the two of us got up. We quickly changed into different clothes, careful of our bandages, and then made our way to Carlisle's office.

"How are you two feeling?" Carlisle asked us as we sat down.

"Better than last night," Jasper told him.

"Good. I want to put fresh bandages on both of your injuries and check the healing in the process." And Carlisle did just that. He unwrapped Jasper's arm, revealing that the deep gash was already scarring over and healing itself. He put something on it and then wrapped it again. Then he unwrapped my hand, where he said everything was healing correctly. He rewrapped it again before sending us downstairs for me to eat breakfast.

Jasper and I sat down at the dinner table where Esme had just set down a plate of pancakes. I ate it quietly, just enjoying the peaceful moment. Jasper was sitting beside me, gently holding my hurt hand in his. I could hear Esme and Carlisle talking in the kitchen about something. Emmet and Noah were playing a video game in the kitchen while Alice and Rosalie made fun of them. It was a nice morning, and I knew it would all go to ruin the second the reality of last night happened to be brought up.

Of course, that happened sooner rather than later when Jasper suddenly sat up straight and said, "A wolf is here."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now